Chapter 16: The Hunt is about to begin

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7th February 2022

The pair of abyssal had just arrived at their new base based in the Mariana trench as they entered a figure greeted them.

???: "Ah, Zo, Fo it's been a while hasn't it."

Zo: "Indeed it has Pacific."

Pacific: "I'm sure you're informed about why you're here."

Fo: "Indeed but we want to know what kind of formation are we fighting."

Pacific: "Of course, but let's get you settled first before we get to that." Sometime later after getting themselves settled they went to meet her. "About the formation your fighting, sadly I'm not sure what to make of it based on what footage we got."

Zo: "It's fine even the slightest would still help." She shows them what she got, like she said it wasn't much at all.

Pacific: "Based on this I manage to identify the following shipgirls:
As for the rest, I can't tell."

Zo: "Based on their rigging I'd say their Eagle Union vessels in there too."

Pacific: "How can you tell?"

Zo: "Those guns on that destroyer." It zooms into an unidentified DD. "I found the five turrets and the only ones with that are the Fletchers. Any idea where they are now?"

Pacific: "Based on my reports they're heading for Hawaii, it's certainly to give some relief to the population there which has been under blockaded for two years now."

Fo: "Then for now we need to identify who is in that fleet based on composition."

Pacific: "My thoughts exactly that's why I've got submarines trying to locate them, but, if possible, sink any of them, unfortunately, unsuccessful due to them being thwarted by aircraft patrols. Even at night."

Zo: "Then we'll take them head-on, try and locate where they're heading after Hawaii from there, we'll deal maximum damage by sinking their cargo, escorts, and Kansens."

Pacific: "I've already positioned them along the possible routes to any port along the Eagle Union West coast."

Zo: "Then we'll depart immediately since we need to be in a position to attack them."

Pacific: "Good luck out there."

Fo: "Thanks." The two super ships along with their escorts left the Mariana's to their destination to lie in wait for them to come back. 

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