Chapter 6: 初出撃 (First Sortie)

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Jintsū's POV
14th January 2022

It's already early in the morning We woke up because We need to cook breakfast for everyone in the dorm since everyone wants it, which I'm glad they found nice. Today Iō and I will be making Mochi pancakes with hot chocolate with extras for today's sortie, just thinking about her first sortie to the open ocean makes her nervous since until now she's never left home waters, Iō comes to me for comfort. And since it was just the two of us, we called each other informally.

Jin: "失敗して、本当に誰かを失うのが怖い」と思っているのはわかるのですが、私はずれているのでしょうか?" (I know what you're thinking, 'I'm afraid that I'll mess up, and lose someone for real.', am I off?)

Iō: "仁ちゃんには全く関係ない。" (Not in the slightest Jin-chan.) She places herself on my shoulders, and tears soon followed. "ただ、そのウォーゲームで学んだことを、プレッシャーにさらされながら、フルに活用できるかどうかはわかりません。" (I'm just not sure if I can use what I learned in those wargames to full effect, while under pressure.) I caress her head.

Jin: "お前なら大丈夫だ......事実、お前は新しい火力管制装置やAAを提供し、皆の生存の可能性を高めた。それに、戦艦用VTヒューズ三式用の銅製ドライブバンドの加工を改善する許可を与えてくれたしな。" (You'll do fine I know that for a fact, you helped increase everyone's chance of survival by giving us new fire-control, AA, plus you also gave the green light for the development of better machining copper drive bands for, VT-fuse San Shiki for battleships.)

Iō: "でも、それでも足りるかどうか心配なんです。" (But even then, I'm just worried it's not enough.)

Jin: "食べ物がまずくなる前に、後で話そう。" (Let's talk later before the food turns bad.)

Iō: "ええ。" (Yeah.) After we finished preparing breakfast, we head for the baths and continue where we left off.


Jin: "もう少し自分に自信を持ちましょう、これまでよく頑張ったと思いませんか?" (Have a bit more confidence in yourself, haven't you done well thus far?)

Iō: "ええ、でも..." (Yeah, but...)

Jin: "そうですね、あなたはよく私たちの話を聞いて、それに基づいて行動していますね。人の意見に耳を傾けることは良い特性です。どんな優れたリーダーも一人で行動することはできません。" (I know, you've been listening to us often and acting on it. Being able to listen to others is a good trait, no great leader can act alone in this case you have us, but that doesn't mean you should rely on us because sometimes your instincts could be right.)

Iō: "つまり、両方のいいとこ取りをしろということですか?" (So you're saying I should have the best of both?)

Jin: "その通り、常にそのことを念頭に置いて判断してください。" (Exactly, always keep that in mind when making decisions.)

Iō: "はい。" (Yes.) I decide to switch topics to keep her mind off it.

Jin: "そういえば、昨日紹介したゲームの進捗はどうなんだ?" (Say how's your progress in that game I introduced to you yesterday?)

Iō: "いくつかハプニングはあったものの、かなり順調に進んでいます。" (It's been going quite smoothly, though I've got a few hiccups.)

Jin: "きっと新しい機材や新しいカンセンに運が向いてくるはずです。" (I'm sure that you'll get lucky with new equipment and new kansens.)

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