Chapter 10: Training camp, next mission, and a mysterious past

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25th January 2022
Jintsū's POV

It's midnight and something has been bothering me as I'm not sure if I'm being a good leader, I'm not saying that its during combat but rather outside of one as I gave them two full days of training nonstop. As I planned for what's the plan of the day, I thought I should ask Iō for some advice since I'm not used to planning things like this. I picked up my phone and called her, after a few rings she picks it up.

Iō: "おいジン、キャンプはどうだ?" (Hey Jin, how's camp?)

Jin: "まあ、あなたがいない間、私はいい仕事をしているかどうかわからないけど。" (Well, I'm not sure if I'm doing a great job in your absence.)

Iō: "なぜそんなことを言うのですか?" (What makes you say that?)

Jin: "ただ、トレーニング以外に何をしたらいいのかわからない、つまりトレーニングキャンプなんです。" (It's just I'm not sure what else to do other than train, I mean it is a training camp.)

Iō: "確かにそうですが、楽しむことも忘れてはいけませんから、午前中はトレーニングをお休みしてもらって、何か楽しい企画を考えてもいいかもしれませんね。" (True but you also shouldn't forget about having fun, so maybe in the morning you could have them take the day off from training, and plan something fun for them to do.)

Jin: "確かに経験がありますね。" (You sure have experience with this.)

Iō: "ええ、私は彼らが何を望んでいるか十分に知っています。だから、次の任務から戻ったら何か楽しいことを計画しようと思っています。彼らが戻ったら、みんなに説明するよ。" (Yeah, I've been around long enough to know what they want, which is why I've been planning something fun once we're back from the next mission. I'll brief everyone when they're back.)

Jin: "了解しました、司令官" (Understood, commander.)

Iō: "わざとやってるんでしょう?" (You're doing that on purpose aren't you?)

Jin: "うん。" (Yup.)

Iō: "じゃあ、帰ってきたら、プ~ニスしてあげるね。" (Then when you're back, I'll give you a pu~nish~ment.) She said with a seductive voice.

Jin: "では、楽しみですね。" (Then I'm looking forward to it.) I end the call and get to thinking about what activity I should plan for today and got to action before heading to sleep.

It's already almost time for breakfast and I've already set the plan in motion now it's time to announce my change plans for the day. Everyone has already gathered at the meeting place.

Jintsū: "Girls today we'll be having the day off, but I've got something planned for you."

Shigure: "And what would that be?"

Jintsū: "A treasure hunt, I won't tell you what's the prize otherwise it won't be any fun."

Charette: "We have a time limit, don't we?"

Jintsū: "Yes, the time limit is 1600 so get going."

All: "Yes."

Charette's POV

We only have about eight hours to find this treasure I've grouped up with Sullivans, Shigure, Yūdachi, Akizuki, and Suzutsuki the six of us set off in search of this treasure. I wonder what the prize is. The six of us agreed to head west and split into groups of three in hopes of finding it first.

Yūdachi: "Let's go, poi!" She runs off in the distance.

Shigure: "Wait for us! Sorry about my sister."

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