Chapter 21: Training on new striker units

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7th March 2022
Near Iwo Jima

It was another night patrol for the witches of the 501st as their members are mostly untrained pilots in their previous life, this night was Sanya V. Lityak and Shibuya Inori, as it came to about two in the morning Sanya's Magic Antenna picked up something.

Sanya: "Inorin, follow me."

Inorin: "Eh, did you pick up something?"

Sanya: "Yes, four contacts we're going to investigate it. If it's an enemy, we can shoot it down."

Inori: "Roger." The two of them picked up speed and headed East further away from their patrol area.

At the same time, Fuyumi's fleet was close to Iwo Jima at this point when her night witches called her.

???: "This is Yui I've picked up two contacts directly in our path, permission to investigate." Yui is one of the night witches, along with the other three being Yume, Yuna, and another Fuyumi.

Fuyumi: "Roger, you're clear to investigate it, ROE is shoot if hostile."

Yui: "Roger."

Yui picked up speed to identify the target, she considers the possibility of it being a patrol from Hime, but she just wants to be sure of it before engaging in battle, last thing she needs right now is another fight, with most of her fleet unable to fight back and in serious need of repair.

The three witches closed in on each other and both thought it was an enemy due to them moving simultaneously, once in visual range they correctly identified the other as friendly.

Yui: "Fuyumi contacts are friendly, I repeat, contacts are friendly."

Fuyumi: "Understood." She tells her fleet to stand down, and in the skies above the five start a conversation.

Sanya: "So are you returning from a mission."

Yui: "Yes *Sigh* Thank goodness you two aren't our enemy."

Inori: "Why is that?"

Yui: "Well that's because most of our fleet has taken heavy damage and needs of repairs, so one more fight could mean the end of us."

Yui: "Is it just the two of you tonight?"

Sanya: "Yes, why?"

Yui: "Let us keep you company till morning if you both don't mind."

Sanya: "Well, sure but what about your return back to your ship."

Yui: "I can ask her to wait for me, and I'm sure she won't mind. *Yui calls Fuyumi through her intercom* Hey Fuyumi, can we stay with them for the rest of this patrol."

Fuyumi: "Sure, I'm sure you want to have more friends since it's been just the four of you since you came to be a witch. I'll be waiting in Hime's port."

By this time Hime had become a fortress with the most modern technology that the humans had to offer, along with scores of her own abyssal fleets that constantly patrol her waters. So, any abyssal fleet that tries to get to Sakura must go through her no matter what. Speaking of Hime, the Abyssals learned of her betrayal after their fleet got a little too close to identify her and thus the Abyssal Civil has now officially begun.

The night went on without incident and the six witches enjoyed each other's company, as dawn broke the four witches are about to say their farewell to their friends.

Sanya: "Umm, girls if you won't mind can we have a flyby of your home."

Yui: "I'll ask."

Not long after she said they were given the green light, in port Fuyumi along with Akizuki and Suzutsuki started picking speed slowly as the girls make their way. Once in sight Fuyumi's night witches began their approach following the LSOs instructions four landed and formed back into an arrow as they were brought into the hangar, meanwhile as the process was going on the two witches that had kept them company flew by, and their home watching the three of them being as big as they were to be tiny once they've landed on her deck and brought into the hangar.

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