Chapter 4: Cultural exchange

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7th January 2022
Iwo Jima, Jintsū and Suzutsuki's Room
Fuyumi's POV

It's 04:30, I just couldn't sleep well, I decided to have some snacks since I know I'll use quite a lot of energy today since there's going to be a sports competition. As for the regular training it's canceled for the day since we both need lots of energy to compete, but maybe it's a good idea to train a little, after my little session I'll go to make my breakfast and help make the curry since it's Curry Friday. Just as I was about to take a nice shower to start the day Suzutsuki woke up.

Suzutsuki: "おはようございます。" (Good morning.) She said in a sleepy tone before yawning, and she greeted me with a half-asleep face which is quite cute.

Fuyumi: "おはようございます!寝ぼけてる姿も可愛いですよ?" (Good morning, you're cute when you're half-asleep you know?) It took her a moment to realize that I was wide awake.

Suzutsuki: "朝一番にこんな姿を見せてしまって申し訳ないです。" (Sorry you had to see me like this first thing in the morning.)

Fuyumi: "二人だけの秘密でいいんだ お姉さんたちは、このことを知らないんでしょうね?" (It's fine if it's just you and me, that'll be our little secret. Your sisters don't know about this I assume?)

Suzutsuki: "はい。" (Yes.)

Fuyumi: "なるほど、それなら一緒にお風呂に入りましょう。" (I see, then let's get in the baths together.)

Suzutsuki: "この後、トレーニングに出かけますか?" (Going out for some training afterward?)

Fuyumi: "うん、いつものように同行してくれてもいいんじゃない?" (Yup, you wouldn't mind accompanying me as usual, right?)

Suzutsuki: "いえいえ、私はあなたのエスコート役ですから、あなたの行くところならどこへでもついて行くのが筋というものです。" (Not at all, after all, I'm your escort, so it's only sensible that I follow wherever you go.)

Fuyumi: "それは、一晩中、私と同じ部屋に閉じ込められることも含まれますか?" (Does that include being trapped in the same room as me for a night?) I said in a joking tone.

Suzutsuki: "そうだ、ジンクスは勘弁してくれ、実現するかどうかわからないんだから。" (Yup, and please don't jinx it, you'll never know if it'll happen.)

Fuyumi: "公正な評価。" (Fair point.)


After our morning preparations, we headed out for a few laps around the field followed by practicing Kendo, and lately, I've been getting a hang of it. When we were on our way to the canteen, we saw a woman in maybe 1940's uniform with silver hair, she asks us.

???: "Umm, is this Yokosuka?"

Fuyumi: "Yes, and you're a new summon, aren't you?"

???: "Indeed, I am, USS Missouri BB-63 reporting in, just call me Mo. Who might you two be?"

Missouri's POV
7th January 2022
Spirit world

Missouri's POV 7th January 2022 Spirit world

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