Chapter 49

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♥️♥️♥️MY MISSING RIB♥️♥️♥️
CHAPTER 49......
Dedicated to Ayshajadaj@misssecretlegend

Dr Muhammad tried to console me the Baby was crying too,I said one last stop please Dr let's go to My Uncles house......

We went to his house in Unguwan Sarki but nobody was in the house,I hissed and ask Muhammad to take me back to Lagos I am not ready for this....

Muhammad said our flight is scheduled for tomorrow so let's wait till tomorrow,I nodded he added I also want to go to Zaria early tomorrow and we leave on Sunday,I nodded I have my own plans.....

The next day after 5am I sneaked and went to the park wearing Niqab,I backed Sultan and head to Zuru,It was a long tiring journey,when we got to Zuru,I halted into Keke Napep to take me to The Palace....

Two women were in the Keke Napep,the older one telling her friend,you know since the death of Crown Princess so many ladies have been presented to the Crown Prince,but I heard finally he chose Sakina and Princess Humaira he will get married to the two of them on the same day.....

The other Woman inhaled I really feel for His dead wife,how can he marry it's not even upto 5 months and here he is Men and their wahala,May God give her Family the strength to Pray for her,after hearing that I was agaped tears rolling down my chin.......

The Keke Napep Man chimed in,I really feel for her I heard the events are going to be Grand too,they continued he said are you really going to the Palace because I am afraid nobody will let you in there,I smiled it's ok just take me there.....

When I got to the Palace I tried all I could but they refuse to let me in,I heard a guard saying the Queen Mother gave order to kill anyone who would cause trouble during this wedding,i widened my eyes so no action was taken against the Queen Mother....

I left the Place and hide in a corner,I saw a Woman coming out of the Palace I followed her in same Keke Napep,I asked Ma'am I heard the culprit who killed the Crown Princess has not yet been found,she hummed My Daughter I am sure they will not punish anyone in there because the culprit is beyond punishment........

My heart was racing I said how about Queen Mother?She smiled she is fine and riling the Palace as she wants,I nodded I went back to the park,My Mind telling me to just forget Yarima and his Palace........

I went back to Kaduna very late it was almost past 12am,Dr Muhammad was going to and fro,I removed my niqab and smiled at him a fake smile.....

I am sorry Dr Muhammad,He heaved a sigh it's ok since you are here,The manager of the hotel and the receptionist heaved a sigh too,Na'am your husband would have sue us but thank God you are back safe and sound.........

I smiled and we went up to our rooms,Muhammad followed me and asked I told him I went to My Husbands house and I couldn't see him I burst out crying I heard he will be getting married this week.....

He let me cry my heart out,he said Xuhairah I promise I will take care of you,I looked at him we should leave early tomorrow,He said for sure I will try take some rest I will order food for you take care of Sultan too.....

We went back to Lagos and I started a new life,Days pass by,Months pass by it was a year already,I always say to myself now Yarima is leaving with his two wives Sakina and Humairah,so help me God.....

Yarima was becoming very insolent whichever way The elders tried to persuade him to Marry Sakina or Humairah he refused to,He even took leave of absence and went back to Lagos..........

Mubarak who was trying to hide his love and feelings for Humairah and Waziri is pestering him to get married or he will fix his wedding with one of Sa'is children so is Sa'i pestering Salman.......

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