Chapter 56

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♥️♥️♥️MY MISSING RIB♥️♥️♥️
CHAPTER 56.....
Dedicated to Ayshajadaj@misssecretlegend

Queen Hajar summoned Yarima and told him to calm down his wife will be here in a week,He almost screamed out of happiness.....

He just love Queen Hajar,she is the best he went to Mama Hauwa and thank her too,She smiled Yarima and Xuhairah,I pray your love flourish and I saw Sultan,he is so cute he wanted to follow us to Zuru.....

I wanted coming with him but his mother said he should wait till on Wednesday they will bring him,her Brother Farhan will bring him he is even sick when we left him.....

Yarima sigh,do you think she will send him before she comes?Yarima asked Mama Hauwa,She smiled what do you think Yarima?

Xuhairah is your wife and she loves you,she will send him but I prefer if you talk to her keep trying,She has every right to be angry,she will calm down slowly....

So treat her like the Princess that she is,and for Salman advice him to present a spouse before Mai Martaba present one for him,Sa'is words so relay them to him,Yarima smiled and thank Mama Hauwa then went back to his Chamber......

I was hyperventilating I can't send Sultan to the Palace alone,I know the people there are not good and Queen Mother is still in the Palace,I can't take the risk......

My Father summoned me to his bedroom,I met him lying down,I sat beside him,Daddy are you alright?He nodded yes but please I want you to go back to your husband and reconsider their request of sending Sultan.....

I pushed my mouth Daddy please I can't send Sultan alone to the Palace,you know how those wicked people hate Yarima and I,I don't want them to plot something against Sultan......

Daddy held my hand,Xuhairah!Yarima loves Sultan and he won't ever allow them to hurt Sultan,please My Daughter....

I smiled it's ok Daddy but I have only a week to go can't they wait?He smiled Xuhairah I am pleading,I smiled ok Daddy no problem,when is he going?

Daddy said fine Farhan should get ready by next tomorrow it's a Friday,he will go and drop him there,and I will tell Yarima to be cautious and start getting ready to go back in a week...

Thank you Daddy,I ambled out,I was hyperventilating Sultan will be away from me for a week,I started packing his clothes even though I know they will give him new boxes I know Mama Hauwa will take care of that.......

I laid down and called Muhammad I told him what has been eating me up,He laughed so you can't be apart from Sultan,Mind you Xuhairah Sultan must be coming to Abuja to spend his Vacation so he prepared....

I laughed that won't be a problem but those hypocrites in the Palace,He cleared his throat his Father will be there,Your Cousin Prince Salman will be there and your in law prince Mubarak will also be there......

I hummed why did you call Salman my cousin?Dr Muhammad laughed because you and Salman are more like Cousins,And then more like In laws with Mubarak but they way you become Shy when Yarima is around makes me envy Yarima....

You really love him and he told me you haven't pick his calls yet,please Xuhairah let bygones be plan your new life with your husband and live happily,just let it go,yell at him if that would make you happy......

After Ishah I went to Zainabs side and spend the time there,when I came back I saw Sultan talking to Yarima over the phone,I went and laid on bed,I really miss Yarima........

After two days,Brother Farhan and Sultan head to Zuru Emirate,they land in Zuru airport,Farhan was suprised to see a Royal escort including the Three Grand Princes.........

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