Chapter 5 - Your and Angel?

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Waking up to his anime girl alarm Issei got up to do his daily routine, now including to comb his hair, to the shock of his parents seeing him finally clean himself up at least physically. Finishing with breakfast, Issei grabbed his bag and his guitar, now thinking about joining the school's music club which has been disbanded for a few years now. Right as he's getting his shoes on he gets a message from his girlfriend informing him she's outside waiting. "Good morning Yuma, how are you?" Issei asked with a smile.

Reynares' heart tightened and she felt like she couldn't breathe, she took a deep breath and smiled walking up to Issei and greeting him with a smile as well. "I'm good, and you?" she asked.

"Great and better now that I know that meeting you wasn't a dream." The boy said trying to act cool for the girl he just started dating.

His words again gave the girl a reaction, she didn't understand why he was causing her heart to skip a beat. She's done this act many times before, with many different men but none of them even survived an hour after meeting her, but this boy has gone a whole weekend without dying. He had asked her out on a date but she said she was busy and now a new week is about to start and she hasn't acted.

Walking to school arm and arm they got a lot of stares, people being shocked that Issei the known pervert was walking with a beautiful girl. Issei however didn't care about the stares he just comfortably walked to school with his arm wrapped by a girl. Suddenly his friend appeared with jealous tears running down their faces. "You lucky bastard none of this would have happened if it wasn't for us."Both said in union.

"If we did not sign you up for the talent show you never would have scored such a hottie." Motohama  cried tears of blood from pure jealousy.

"Yeah now that we reveal your hidden talent you swooned a girl on a bridge with a song." Matsuda exclaimed.

"Hey, how do you know about the bridge?" Issei asked as he looked at Yuma who just shrugged not knowing.

"It's all over the web man see" Matsuda answered, pulling up a video taken from the crowd.

Issei was shocked to say the least he didn't think someone recorded him playing a song and they also recorded the moment Yuma kissed him. He now understood why everyone seemed surprised but not going crazy over him dating Yuma. Almost everyone in their school would have seen the video by now.

Arriving in front of the school gate Issei was saying goodbye to Yuma, while a red head, a black haired Bob cut and a brown haired girl watched them. Rias frowned at the possible motives of the fallen angle, Sona glared worried for the safety of her underclassmen and Murayama gave an empty broken look at the couple, then anger and jealousy filled the 3 girls as Yuma gave Issei a goodbye kiss, knowing full well the stares of the many student in the academy.

The school day was a little different than usual, for starters Issei was not interested in peeking that day to the shock of everyone and the frustration of Murayama, she was set on showing off for Issei but he never appeared. Instead she let out that frustration on his two friends. Second, Issei seemed much more popular, not at Kiba level but he was starting to get close. And Lastly Issei was constantly writing in a notebook and when outside in the courtyards was messing with his guitar.

The day was coming to an end and Issei was once more walking home with Yuma, "Ok then Yuma i'll see you in a bit for our date." Issei said while giving Yuuma a hug and a kiss on her forehead once again causing internal turmoil in the girl.
Entering his home Issei greeted his parents and informed them he had a date, at which his parents instantly ran up to him and dragged him to their room. "Um mom, dad, why did you bring me here?" Issei asked, scared of getting in trouble.

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