Chapter 7 - New life as the red dragon emperor

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Issei awoke from his sleep looking around and realizing he was in his room. Making sure everything from the day before wasn't a dream he looked at his shoulder and there it was a slight scar on his left shoulder. But that's not all that was different, in his room there seemed to be two people in his bed. On his left lay the red headed number one beauty of Kuoh, Rias Gremory who he now knew to be a devil. And on his right was his girlfriend Yuuma Amano or Raynare, a fallen angel now turned devil.

Issei jumped out of bed and noticed he was naked along with both the girls who sturd in their sleep. Rias was the first to wake up, and chuckled at the antics of the boy who tried to cover himself and his eyes with the sheets he pulled off the girls. "You don't have to be shy, I don't mind if you stare." Tease Rias as she really enjoys the reactions of her perverted underclassmen.

Noticing Raynare was about to awake Rias decided to play a little prank. She used some magic to make Issei trip on the sheet and fall onto her. Just then Raynare opened her eyes and stared with a glare. "Issei darling, what are you doing?" She Said causing the boy to shiver in fear.

"Ah um Yuuma This…" Stuttered the boy

"Raynare my name is Raynare" said the clearly upset girl.

"Um well Ray you see this is not what it looks like."

"Well it looks like you're mounted naked on top of another girl infront of your girlfriend." Rias said.

Raynare now couldn't take it and pulled Issei off of Rias and held him close to her. "Now Rias I'm thankful for bringing me and my friends back to life but could you not try and steal my boyfriend. "

Rias was visibly  saddened and was about to leave but Issei spoke, "Gremory Senpai thank you for yesterday. If there's anything I can do to repay you please tell me and I'll help." Issei spoke while still being held tight by Raynare.

Rias lowered herself close to Issei and cupped his chin gently, "Your so Cute I hope you a man if your word"

Issei blushed madly at the situation as in front of him was a fully nude Rias not shying away or hiding exposing herself to him and right next him was an equal as a beautiful and naked girl hugging him. In this scenario, things  were about to get more heated if it wasn't for Issei's mom opening the door and seeing her son in bed with not one but two incredible unearthly beauties.

Suddenly Miki Hyoudou slammed the door shut and ran to her husband yelling about Issei seeking in two women, and this and that. Before both Hyoudou adults could open the door again Rias flared her power and everything went quiet.

"Well we better get dressed," said rias.

While Rias was dressing behind her you can hear Issei struggling, for one his girlfriend was covering his eyes from Rias who bent over directly in front of Issei and two she was trying to dress both him and her at the same time. Rias giggled but in her eyes was a dull sadness and wanting for what they had.

At the breakfast table Issei, Raynare, Rias and Issei's parents ate breakfast though the boy's parents seemed out of it as if they did not just see their talented but still perverted son in bed with two girls.

"Mind manipulation magic. " whispered Raynare to issei who seemed to relax at her words.

"Um Senpai this won't harm my parents right?"

"No, not at all. It will fade once we leave and they will think it's normal for us to come over." Replied Rias.

Issei sighed but asked her not to do it again. "Oh Ray, I just noticed you're wearing the Kuoh Academy uniform. Did you tanfer in?"

"Yeah thanks to Rias and Sona I was able to forge a few documents along with Mittelt and Kalawarner,  we were able to forge ourselves as sisters. Tho Kalawarner will be a First year teacher." Replied Raynare in her Yuuma form hugging Issei's arm.

Entering the school everyone again stared at Issei, but this time more at who he was with. Issei Hyoudou the musical pervert was walking with Rias and Yuuma who now wore the Kuoh school uniform.

"What the hell man, fist Yuuma now Rias." Yelled Issei's two buddies. They started to shake him and ask him how he was even able to talk to Rias in the first place. They got into a two on one wrestling match on the ground while the students around just watched their shenanigans with mixed reactions.

Rias and Yuuma just started for a moment before walking away talking about how boys will be boys. After finally making his two idiot friends submit Issei told them honestly that he didn't know how things got to that point. All he pretty much knew was that his aura tracks both strong people and women.

His seemingly not knowing of his recent  luck just seemed to annoy the two more. "You can sing, you're a prettier pretty boy than Kiba when you try and now you have two girlfriends." Cried Matsuda as he had comical tears in his eyes and ran into the school building.

The last words of Matsuda spread like wildfire. Everyone in the school now believed that Issei had two girlfriends. "Alright class we have a new transfer student joining us today." Said the home room teacher, "You can come in now."

In walking Yuuma Amano, she instantly caused both boys and girls of the classroom to look at her in awe. "Hi everyone my name is Yuuma Amano, it's nice to meet you all, please take care of me."

"Does anyone have any questions for Miss Amano here?" At the teacher's question everyone raised their hands.

"Why did you transfer here?" Asked a random Girl.

"I wanted to be closer to my Ise."

"Where did you move here from?"

"I used to live in the next town over but I always came to Kuoh to visit some relatives. "

"Wait you last name is Amano are you related to Milly and Kali Amano" asked Matsuda

"Yeah there my sisters tho not by blood our adoptive parents passed away a while ago so we decided to come live here." Raynare said convincingly.

"How are you ok with Issei having another girlfriend?" Asked Murayama

"Huh, second girlfriend? I didn't know he had another girlfriend yet and without telling me first to approve?" Raynare said while staring right into Issei's soul.

Everyone was left speechless, she didn't mind him going after other girls, none were left more shocked than Issei.

"Yeah we heard he's also dating Rias." Said a random student.

"Oh that, no Rias was just showing me around the school and Issei was tagging along with me, tho I wouldn't mind waking up between her and my Issei." Said Yuuma, relaxing her gaze and giving the class a smile.

The rest of awkward as word spread fast that Issei's girlfriend seems to be as much of an open pervert as Issei, though only when it came to Issei. lunch had come and gone and Yuuma was being overly affectionate with Issei and never letting him out of her sight. While waiting for the start of the next period, Kiba walked into Issei's class. "Kya!!! Its Kiba!!!" Yelled some over excited highschool girls.

"Issei, Yuuma, my President and the Student Council President would like to talk to you." Kiba said with his signature smile.

At his words Issei and Yuuma stood and walked out, down the hall they saw Mittelt and Kalawarner walking out of a classroom with Koneko. They all met up together and walked to the old school building. Entering the meeting room Sona, Subaki and Ruruko were sitting on One couch, behind them stood Saji, Reya, Tomoe and Tsubasa, Momo was helping Akeno with the tea.

Rias was sitting behind a large desk, with Kiba at her right. Issei took a seat on the couch across from Sona. Next to him sat Raynare and Koneko, Behind them stood Kalawarner and Mittelt.

"Let's start this meeting" said Rias

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