Chapter 38 - a quick trip to the underworld.

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A week has gone by after the sports festival and right now Issei and Rias are sitting In Front of Ravel Phenex, the younger sister of Raizer Phenex. "So Ravel what brings you here today." Asked Rias with a smile.

"I'm here to thank you Red Dragon, I and my family appreciate what you have done for us, you help my brother realize his flaws as well as mend and strengthen the relationship between the Gremories and Phenex families without an arranged marriage." Bowed Ravel.

"Well coming all the way here wasn't necessary. I'm a dragon. I'm not for formalites a simple card would have sufized." Said Issei scratching the back of his head.

"Well I'm also here because of a request from my brother, he asked if you want another fight, no stakes in the line, he told me to tell you that he will challenge you to an informal rematch. Said Ravel.

Issei and Rias were left silent; they didn't expect Riser to have another fight and even though he had changed they were sure he would ask for something.

"Um well I'm down for a fight however I've grown many times more powerful since our last fight." Said Issei, unsure of fighting Riser again.

"Well my brother has also been training everyday for hours to grow stronger." Said Ravel "oh and one more thing my brother has invited you to his wedding he has finally decided to marry his queen Yubelluna." Added the young devil leaving the other two speechless.

"Um well I'd love to go to his wedding." Said Issei.

"Oh and your friends are also welcome." Said Ravel.

"Oh alright when are we heading out and when's the wedding?" Asked Issei.

"Well we were hoping we could head out now and also the wedding is tomorrow. Said Ravel.

Again the two were a little surprised, "well it won't be a problem, let me just contact my peerage to inform them of our departure." Said Rias as she stood and walked over to her desk to contact her peerage.

A few moments passed and all the devils appeared. Everyone had come with a few things prepared for the trip. "Alright everyone ready?" Asked Rias as she prepared a magic circle.

Everyone gave their own varying replies before teleported to the secret train station to the underworld. On the train everyone was scattered around the train cart. Issei, Raynare, Kaliwarner, Mittelt, and Koneko were going through what looks like a list.

Kiba was in the back talking on his phone, Asia, Xenovia, Gasper and Rossweisse were playing cards. While Rias, Akeno and Ravel conversed. "Hey Rias I was wondering, what are Issei and the others doing?" Asked Ravel as across from them the group were writing and talking.

"Oh, they are just trying to figure out the baby's name." Casually mentioned Rias.

"Wait baby what baby!?" Asked Ravel.

"Oh right not a lot of people know, well Raynare is pregnant. Spoke Akeno.

"Wait pregnant, who's the father?" Asked a surprised Ravel.

"Well Issei, who else?" Giggles Akeno.

"Wait wait wait, I thought Issei was with you." Stated the blond devil.

"Yes he is, he is actually with all the girls in my peerage as well as one more recently." Said Rias.

"Wait and you're fine with that?" Agained questioned Ravel.

"Well yeah, but honestly it was all thanks to Raynare, she was the one who accepted Issei having more girlfriends. Honestly I think she has wanted her own harem just like Issei." Said Rias.

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