Chapter 44 - Fox Guide

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It was early in the morning. Issei walked out to the courtyard of the hotel and began to do some exercises. On his wrist and ankles were the braces Azazel designed to give Issei a push. Issei ran his fingers across each to increase the weight. He then got on his hands and began to do handstand push-ups. "297, 298, 299" Issei counted.

As he finished his last push up he raised one arm continuing with a single arm. By now the sun was high enough that the morning was bright. Inside the hotel everyone began to wake up. In a room a pink haired girl walked over to her window and opened it to get fresh air. As she looked downstairs she saw Issei exceeding. "Issei is outside working out." She yelled from inside.

A moment later what sounded like a stampede sounded every girl who heard jumped out of bed like their lives depending on it and ran outside. Issei didn't notice the girls, having his earphones in and being focused he continued his pushups. Around him a crowd formed and cameras flashed. Was switching arms and continuing his training.

In the crowd Raynare was also snapping pictures. With every picture she got she sent it to Rias, Akeno, Koneko, Kuroka and even Vali. She kept getting thanks from the ORC members however Vali never replied but she did open the messages every time.

Issei finished his final set and hopped up onto his feet with his back still facing the crowd he lifted his shirt to wipe the sweat and turned around. As he turned he finally noticed the crowd however his current appearance sent girls to the ground with nosebleeds and the flashing of Reynares Camera. Issei chuckled at his girlfriend and walked back to his room with her.

After the morning events Issei and his group explored the town once more, taking pictures and buying sulaneers. After arriving at a shrine where Asia and Xenovia posed for a picture Issei got a call from Rias about said picture. "Hey, what's going on?" He asked

"Hey Issei, sorry to disturb your trip, however Koneko noticed something in the last photo you sent. All those people in the background are all actually fox Yokai." Said Akeno.

As he received the message Matsuda, Motohama and Kiryu fell unconscious. Multiple fox men and women appreard and Issei was ready to fight however before anything could happen Rossweisse came running.

"Everyone stop, Azazel sent me to find you, everyone has to come with me immediately. Spoke Rossweisse as a fox Yokai woman bowed her head to Issei.

The group were led by the fox women through a dark version of Kyoto full of Yokai. As they entered a shrine, at the entrance stood Serafall, Azazel and the small fox girl who had attacked Issei the day before.

"Hey, you're the little fox girl from yesterday." Spoke Issei.

"Yes I am sorry for my previous actions, I am the daughter of Yusaka the leader of the Yokai. My name is Kunou." Spoke the small fox girl as she bowed her head.

"I'm really sorry." Apologies to the girl again.

"Hey there's no need to worry, all's well that ends well." Said Xenovia.

"Yeah we angels are meant to forgive." Said Irina.

"I just hope we can be friends." Said Asia.

"Hey look I know you did that cause you were worried for your mom, trust me I went out of control when I thought I lost my girlfriends and son." Issei pointed at Raynare and Shin.

"So there's no hard feelings." Added the Dragon.

"Thank you." Said Kunou

"So you see Yusaka disappeared on her way to a meeting. And we know this since she was reported not to have attended said meeting." Said Serafall.

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