Chapter 42 - Satan Rangers

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After his showdown with Sairaorg, Rias's  peerage was back in the Gremory manner. "Father, I think you will agree that we have to put Issei through the test." Said Sirsechs.

"Yes I believe you are right your mother personally trained the boy last time your sister came so I believe he will pass, and I am quite fond of the boy myself." Said Zeoticus.

"Then when it's settled. I will set the trails along with the other Satans." Said Sirsechs as he teleported away.

Issei was sitting in the living room playing his guitar to intertaine Milicas and Shin who was being held by Grafia, even if Grafia always had a stoic look on her face she smiled seeing the baby remembering how small her son once was. Suddenly Sirsechs appeared beside his wife who was holding the baby.

"Hello everyone, I need to have a word with Issei and Rias, can you two come with me for a second." Asked Sirchs he led the couple to a separate room.

Grafia handed the baby over to her mother in law and followed her husband and king as well. "Brother, what did you need us to talk about?" Asked Rias.

"Well Rias you see father has agreed for you and Issei to go through the Trail of connections?" Said the red haired Satan.

"Sir, what is the trail of Connections?" Asked the Dragon.

"Well you see Issei, the trail of connections is a tradition of the Gremory clan, for those who wish to marry into our family." Spoke Grafia who stepped besides Lucifer.

"Yes and this trial to test your compatibility with my sister, you will be put through multiple trials you must overcome, one you do your relationship will be approved and acknowledged by the Satans and the Gremory household." Inserted Sirsechs.

Issei put on a serious but confident demeanor, "When will this trial take place?" Asked the dragon.

"Now." Said Sirsechs as a magic circle instantly teleported them to an unknown place.

The couple looked around, seeing ruins around them. Suddenly an explosion of colors appeared. In Front of them stood five power ranger looking people. "We are the Satan Rangers, I am Ranger Red the leader." Said the red ranger who had an S on his costume.

Beside him stood two female rangers, one pink who had an S as well and a yellow ranger with a G. At the very ends were a green and blue ranger, who had an F and A on their costumes.

"Now young ones prepared for your trail." Said the Red ranger as he pointed at the two speaking in an exaggerated voice.

Again the two were teleported and now stood in a studio. Infront of them was the pink haired Satan ranger. "Hey there you two I'm Satan pink and I'm here to put you through your first trail." Said the girl cheerful will jumping around.

She calmed down and created a sound system with magic and began to play music. Issei grabbed Rias and they began to dance, lucky thanks to Lady Gremory Issei has had practice as well as the day of the gathering.

The two waltzes around the room with Issei leading in a beautiful slow dance. Satan pink was impressed and out of nowhere changed the song to one Issei was very familiar with. As the music played Issei began to slowly walk to Rias as she did the same.

They enjoyed themselves and even left the pink suited girl flustered at the way they danced Infront of her. "W-well you two pass this trail." Stutter out the pink ranger.

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