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I groan rubbing my forehead as summer goes on and on about last night, I needed up getting wasted after she left and I woke up in a hotel with some girl this morning again.

I showered and came to see her because she wasn't answering my texts and she didn't text me when she got home last night.

"bro why the fuck are you even going on about?" I ask her making her shut up, she stares at me in disbelief and shakes her head.

"the fact that you made me spend our three year anniversary in a fucking club billie, you didn't even bother coming after me last night to make sure nothing happened while I was outside that fucking club" she says furiously.

"I know, I got caught up last night. I'm sorry" I apologize, "and you're the one that decided to be a bitch and leave aren't you?"

"I left because I spent time getting myself to look good for our date, not a club" she shouts with tears in her eyes, "and you don't get to call your girlfriend a bitch, that's not okay" she says with her voice cracking.

"whatever man, I wasn't going to chase after you. you could have just asked to leave"

"I did! multiple times, I'm sure the whole fucking club knew I wanted to leave" she shouts pushing me back, "you know I hate clubs or parties! I never wanted to go in the first place" she says wiping her face.

"but I told you I had to go somewhere but you so badly wanted to go on a date" I say using my hands to talk.

"to celebrate our anniversary" she says with a huff, "you can never admit when you're wrong and last night you hurt me. I would appreciate an apology but you can never do that, so leave" she says opening the front door.

"bro this is my apartment too"

"I don't give a fuck, just leave. can't you see I don't want to see you right now" she shouts pushing me out the door, "go to where you were last night" she says throwing my keys at me and shuts the door.

"fuck" I mutter shaking my head and leave the building to go to katorah's house, I get some energy drink in hopes to help with the hangover on the way.

"wassup man" she says letting in, "you look beat" she laughs making me roll my eyes as I sit on the couch.

"summer is tripping and she kicked me out" I say with a shrug as she sits on the couch going back to her game.

"what about?"

"about last night, I promised her a date and I got wasted at the party instead" I say kissing my teeth, "now she's pissed over just a date" I add as katorah glances at me.

"I mean i get why she's pissed, you promised her a date and she asked you multiple times to leave instead you decided to dismiss her" she shrugs.

"it's just a fucking date"

"and it's just a club billie. no party is more important than your girlfriend. I know you all about that lifestyle but if you girl wants what she wants than you attend to it, simple" she says making me roll my eyes.

"whatever man, there's no way I can tell her about last night now" I groan throwing my head back.

"let me guess.. you took another bitch home?" she raises an eyebrow making me nod, she sighs shaking her head.

"I don't get you man. you have a beautiful, caring girl at home yet you're still out with other girl that don't even know shit about you" she says pausing the game.

"maybe you would be better at this relationship than me" I joke shaking my head.

"anyone would be better than you. sorry man but you know I'm gonna be straight with you" she shrugs, "get your shit together before you lose her because I don't even know what she's still doing with your ass" she says.

"shut up"

"you leave a classy lady, who has her shit figured out alone to fuck a whore. that's fucked up and in the end-"

"bro, shut up, I get it damn" I cut her off.

"you don't though, you really don't" she says glaring at me, I roll my eyes deciding to drop it.

consistencyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora