thirty five

978 64 22

"happy birthday babies" I say tangling mae and ada in my arms, they giggle hugging me, "mommy, can I wear my princess dress now?" adalyn asks excitedly.

"yes, you can" I smile making her jump up and down, "and mae is going to wear hers too. go to granny and she will get you ready" I tell them both, they run off down the hall.

"you good?" naomi asks while putting up decorations.

"I need to get laid" I groan, "the way I am horny is unhealthy and ada has been to sleep with me so I can't even do shit" I say leaning against the table.

"can't help you but goodluck" she laugh, I flip her off laying my head on the table.

"I can help you though" I immediately recognize billie's voice behind me, "please shut up" I ask her with my head still down.

"hey, I'm horny too. I haven't gotten shit in so long" she whines pressing herself against me.

"yeah well I'm sure you have had enough sex to last you a lifetime" I grin pushing her back.

"oh c'mon amariana" she says taking my hand, "don't be like that, are you going to hold this over my head forever?" she pouts.

"yes" I shrug off her hand and help naomi put up decorations, "did you bring the cake?" I ask billie.

"yes, two princess cakes" she grins pointing at them, I nod getting up on the stool.

"katorah's friend, the one that's been wanting you is coming too, she basically begged me maybe you can finally let the girl hit" naomi says bouncing her brows.

"ugh I don't wanna hurt no one" I say with a groan, "the girl has been trying to ask me out for years and I just let her hit then dip? that's mean" I shake my head.

"plus you know I gotta know you for a while before that shit" I shrug.

"then let her get to know you!"

"I will!" I shout back making her smile. no, I won't.

"mari" I look back seeing billie nervously waiting on the door, "can I talk to you outside? please" I nod getting down and put down the decorations, I slip on some shoes before following her outside.

"whats wrong?" I ask shielding my face from the sun, "I just heard you talking to naomi and I know I have no say in your dating life but.." she comes closer to shield me from the sun with her body.

"can you please let me take you out on a date? I know you have no trust in me and I want to work on that, I don't want someone else taking you away from me and ada"

"again.. I know I have no say but can you please think about it or at least hold off on it as I work on getting your trust again because I really mean it when I say I've changed and I want to show you that" she says taking my hands.

I look down at my feet in thought before I open my mouth "I wasn't going to give that girl a chance, she's cool and all but I need to see her good with ada and she's not" I kiss my teeth.

"this is not to say I'm waiting for you but I am telling you that im not seeing someone and if you want to work on me trusting you, you can but it definitely won't be a walk in the park" I shrug.

"thank you, thank you" she says kissing my hands, "can I hug you?" I nod letting her out my arms around her neck, she hugs my waist tightly. she holds on tightly for a while and rubbing my back with her face in my neck.

"I love you" she whispers out and pulls away, "you don't have to say it back but do know that I love you" she says cupping my face, I nod and she leans forward to kiss my forehead.

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