Chapter 5

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It was the end of the day and I was waiting outside the boys changing rooms so they could show me where to watch them. All the boys stormed out of the changing rooms like a pack of elephants. Then came Leo, Charlie and Harvey. Charlie came over to me and picked my legs up and put me over his shoulder.

"PUT ME DOWN LENEHAN!!" I shouted. "I'm just taking you to the pitch!" He said whilst laughing with Leo and Harvey. "I can easily walk I do have two legs of my own. Or are you just trying to look like your strong?" I asked. "Maybe I am!" He replied. "Well I can see that you're strong so put me down now!" I said but we were at the pitch so he put me down anyway. "Just stand somewhere round the edge of the pitch" Leo said.

As I was watching I noticed that Harvey kicked the ball over the side so I ran and got it for them. "Oi, Hannah, pass!" One of the boys said. I kicked it down the pitch and I scored a goal! I was pleased as I was the only girl in my old school that could play football. But that didn't stop me. As it went into the goal all the boys stared at me.

"What?" I asked. "How did you get that in? You hate football don't you?" Leo asked. "I'm surprised you're my twin brother considering you know nothing about me! I love football!" I said. Suddenly the coach came over to me. "Hannah that was amazing!" He said. "Thanks!" I said.  "Do you fancy showing me what else you can do?" he asked. "Sure. Which team am I on?" I asked the coach. "How about you against our best player?" He asked. "Sure. Who is it?" I asked. "Charlie" He replied.

Of course it would be him, wouldn't it?

I walked over to Charlie and he turned around at the same time as all the other boys. "I hear that I'm playing against you" He said. "Yeah, well, you're gonna get thrashed." I said. "In your dreams!" he said. We both ran over to the centre of the pitch. Straight away I got the ball of Charlie and was running down the pitch. He tried tackling me a few times but I kept the ball to myself. I got to the goal and kicked it in. It went straight past the keeper and went in the back of the net.

"How the hell did you do that?" Charlie asked. "I told you that you would get thrashed!" I told him. "Ok, I admit, that was pretty good!" He said as he pulled me into a hug. I didn't want to let go. Ever.

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