Chapter 13

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I took my legs off Charlie and stared straight at Leo. "What the hell" Leo said. "Leo, I-" I started but got cut off. "You said no kissing. You said that you didn't like each other like that" he shouted so everyone heard. "We kinda do though. Leo I'm so sorry just let me explain" I asked. "No chance" He said as he picked up his bag and walked out.

I can't believe myself. I've just ruined the friendship between my brother and his best friend. I looked up at Charlie and a tear escaped from my eye. Charlie put his arm round my shoulder and I leaned my head onto his shoulder. Suddenly the bell went and we got up and left to go to English.

Throughout the whole day Charlie was really comforting to me. But we didn't see Leo at break or lunch and I was starting to get a bit worried. It was football practise tonight so I was hoping to see him then.

I went into the changing rooms and got changed. I then went to the boys changing rooms and waited outside for Charlie like I normally do. I was waiting for a while and No one came out. Not even the other boys on the team.

Suddenly I started hearing shouting from inside the changing rooms. Then they were chanting 'fight, fight' constantly and I got really worried. I decided to peek my head through the door and I couldn't see very well who was fighting. Through a small gap between two of the other boy in the team I caught a glimpse of the people fighting.

It was Leo and Charlie.

I ran in the room to stop them from fighting. I know I shouldn't have gone in because it was the boys changing rooms but I couldn't help myself. I ran in and grabbed hold of Leo's waist to pull him away. I could tell that it was Leo doing most of the fighting.

I managed to get him off Charlie with a lot of force. "Stop it Leo, just stop" I shouted at him with tears streaming down my face. "No, I'm not done with him yet" He said as he was about to hit him again but I stopped him. "Why are you doing this Leo?" I asked.

"Because I can't let him hurt you. I care about you and I can't let him hurt you. I've seen him do it before and I wouldn't be able to stand it if it happened to you" He said as a tear escaped from his eye.

After he said that I just ran out.

My Brothers Best Friend || Charlie Lenehan and Leondre Devries FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now