Chapter 11

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For the next week at school the Barbie dolls were giving me more death stares and trying to get Charlie's attention even more. It was getting really, really annoying but it must be even more annoying for Charlie. I felt really sorry for him.

Me and Charlie had become really close since I told him about being bullied. He's been really supportive and encouraged me to tell Leo. Leo took it better than I expected but he was upset that he never told me. It hasn't been awkward since me and Charlie kissed either. I thought it would be but it hasn't.

Me and Leo had been making a lot of music with each other again.  When we were younger we had a YouTube channel and we would write songs and put them on there. We gained about 20,000 subscribers but then we had to stop when our parents got divorced.

Today Charlie was coming round and Leo wanted to show Charlie some of our music. I didn't really want to but Leo said I had to. Charlie arrived at our house and we went into my room where my guitar was. We decided to sing a song that we wrote ourselves called 'Shoot me'. We wrote it about when how we were both bullied.

After we sang the song Charlie said that we were amazing even though I didn't think we were. I went downstairs to get us some smoothies and when I went back into my room, Charlie and Leo both had a huge smile on their faces.

"What's up with you two?" I asked. "Me and Charlie have been talking and we were wondering if you wanted to join our duet with us?" Leo spoke. "Really?" I asked being very surprised. "Yeah. Your voice is incredible, you can write songs and play the guitar" Charlie said. "I'd love to!" I said as I pulled them both into a hug.

For the rest of the day we were writing some songs and at the end of the day we decided to make a YouTube channel again. We filmed our first video just to introduce ourselves. All three of us tweeted saying that we started a channel. Myself and Leo both still had quite a few followers from when we had our YouTube channel.

Charlie decided to stay round tonight because we had a really good idea for a song and we wanted to write it so it could be our first song on our channel. But that night Charlie was getting tons and tons of messages from the Barbie dolls asking why he was in a group with me but they also said they couldn't wait to hear us.

"I'm fed up with the girls in our school. They are so annoying. Apart from you Hannah. You're the only decent girl in our school." Charlie said as he read through all the messages from the Barbie dolls. "Just ignore them" I said. "But I can't because they all want to go out with me because I'm single" He said. "Well get a girlfriend" I said. "What about you?" Charlie asked.

Wait! Did Charlie just ask me out?

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