Chapter 15

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After football me, Leo and Charlie headed back to our house. Mum was working tonight so we would have been alone anyway. We went to Charlie's house first so he could get some things and then we went to our house and let him stay the night.

I was so pleased that Leo was alright with me and Charlie because I can hang out with my brother and boyfriend and still have fun.

We got home and got straight in our onesie's. Leo had a lion one, Charlie had a sloth one and I had an America flag one. We sat downstairs and put on a film. The boys forced me to watch The Women in Black and I ABSOLUTELY HATE scary films. It was alright though because I could hide my head in Charlie's chest.

It was about half way through the film and I couldn't stand it anymore. I grabbed the remote and switched it off. "Why did you do that?" Charlie asked. "I hate scary films" I said with puppy dog eyes. We both looked at Leo and he had fallen asleep. We giggled at each other and decided to go upstairs to bed considering it was 1am.

We were about to walk into my room but I turned around and stopped right in front of Charlie. "Don't look at how messy my room is please" I pleaded. "I won't" he said as he kissed me.

I opened the door whilst still kissing him. I walked backwards into my room and Charlie pushed me over so I was laying on my bed backwards. He then leaned over me in a press up position and I could feel his breath on my neck. It sent shivers down my spine.

He leant down and kissed me and I kissed back. I flipped over so that I was laying on top of him. We were kissing for a good five minutes and it was getting pretty heated. I had an idea of where this could have been going and I didn't really want it to go there. I stopped kissing him and looked at up at him.

"What's wrong baby girl?" He asked. "Were only 15 Charlie" I said. "I know, its fine, can we still sleep in the same bed?" He asked me. "Sure, I don't want to be left alone after the film anyways" I said.

After a while of talking, me and Charlie finally got to sleep. I had my head on his chest and he had his arm around me, comforting me. I wanted to stay like this forever.

It was perfect.

My Brothers Best Friend || Charlie Lenehan and Leondre Devries FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now