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*3 years later*

So, I have had more children. Well, the night that Charlie proposed to me, we ended up doing it which then lead to me having twins! Maycie and Joe. I love them to bits.

Myself and Charlie have only just got married considering we couldn't do it when the twins were young. It was only small, close friends and family.

Charlie, Leo and I are absolutely huge now but no matter how big we are, my children will always grow up normally. No huge luxuries!

Every time I look at Charlie, I am always reminded of how without Leondre, I wouldn't have fallen for my brothers best friend.

And I will never be able to thank Leo enough for that.


So, My Brothers Best Friend is finished! There won't be a sequel, I'm sorry if you wanted one.

I also wanted to say how proud I am of myself for actually writing this.

I have one of the biggest imaginations ever and if I can never sleep at night, I come up with a story in my head. I never ever write them down though. But when I thought of this story I wanted to write it down because I loved this idea.

I have some more ideas for new Charlie and Leondre Fan fictions and if you want to be in one then you can!

Comment down below your name, if you want a Charlie or Leondre Fan Fiction and if you want it to be dirty, clean or in the middle!

~Hannah xx

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