Chapter 7

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I was in the bathroom sat on the floor with my head in my knees and my back against the door, crying. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Hannah" Charlie's soft voice spoke. "Go away" I said trying to sound like I hadn't been crying.

"Hannah, I just want to help" He said. I didn't want to explain why I ran out because I felt like he would hate me if he knew the truth. But I knew I had to tell someone and I trusted Charlie. "Is it just you?" I asked. "I promise, it's just me." He said. I stood up and glanced in the mirror. I had mascara all down my face but I honestly didn't care. I opened the door and Charlie looked at how bad I looked. He just pulled me straight into a hug and I cried into his chest.

After 15 minutes of crying into his chest I finally calmed down a bit and pulled out of the hug. He looked up at me and wiped my eyes slightly with his thumb. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I just want to help. And if you do tell me I won't tell anyone unless you want me to." He said. "I want to tell someone but I feel like you will judge me and hate me." I explained. "I promise I won't judge you or hate you" he said. "Ok. It's hard for me thought because I've never told anyone. Not even Leo" I said.

I stood up and faced him. I pulled my top up slightly over my stomach to reveal loads of horrible scars. I bit my bottom lip to stop me from crying. I looked at him and he looked horrified. I dropped my top back down so it covered them up again. "What happened?" was all he asked. I sat on his bed next to him and started explaining what happened.

"When mum and dad got divorced and I moved with dad to Oxford, I had no friends. At first it was just people walking into me on purpose. Then it developed into people calling me a slut and saying I was too fat. I couldn't take it anymore and I couldn't tell dad because he didn't have a job and we didn't have much money. I couldn't tell Leo because I remembered when he got bullied. He broke down completely and he cares for me so much so I didn't know what would have happened to him. I didn't have any friends or anything so the only way to get rid of the pain was by cutting. The bullies got excluded but not cause of what they did to me, they were just generally naughty. When they left people respected me so I stopped cutting. Dad still doesn't know and I have never told Leondre or mum and I didn't really have any friends to go to."

"When was this?" he asked. "It only stopped 3 months ago. So I put up with it for just over two and a half years. I only did it on my stomach because that was where no one could see it." I explained. He started crying and I didn't know why.

I felt so bad.

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