Chapter 10

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"I really like you Charlie but this would never work." I told him. "Why?" he asked. "Because you're my brother's best friend" I said. "Oh, I get it" he said. "I'm sorry. Could we still be friends?" I asked. "If you give me one kiss to take with me?" He asked. "Of course" I said as I leaned in and pressed his soft lips against mine.

He walked out of the kitchen and into the lounge. I made the pancakes and took them into the lounge to the boys. We chatted for a bit and then mum rang me to say she was home.

All the boys finally left and I was just me, Leo and Charlie. We were all gonna leave and go back to mine and Leo's house and the boys were gonna help me unpack.

We left Charlie's house and were walking back to our house when it started raining. Great. I didn't have a jacket and I started shivering. "Are you ok?" Charlie asked me. "Just a bit cold! I should've brought a jacket" I said. "Have mine" He said as he took his jacket off and gave it to me. I smiled at him and he smiled back as he put his jacket over my shoulders.

We arrived back and said hello to my mum. We then all wandered upstairs into my room to be greeted by tons of boxes. "How much stuff do you own?" Leo asked. "I don't know but I didn't think I owned this much stuff!" I told him. Both the boys laughed which made Charlie's dimples show.

What am I thinking? I need to forget about him. But I can't. But I have to. He's my brother's best friend.

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