Chapter 12

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"Woah, Charlie I've told you that you could never go out with Hannah" Leo said sounding angry. "No, not like that, I mean as like a fake girlfriend. We would just have to hold hands so the Barbie dolls would stop bugging me" Charlie said. "I don't mind because it might get them to back off from me as well." I said.

"Well, as long as it doesn't mean anything" Leo said. "Ew, no, I don't like Charlie like that, no offence" I said. "It's fine. I don't like you like that either, but you're the only girl I like hanging out with so that why I suggested you" He said. "Ok, as long as you don't have to kiss and stuff" Leo said. "Nah, just hold hands and try and be cute together. And it would only be around the Barbie dolls so they think that we are going out" Charlie told us.

We all agreed that is what we would do so hopefully the Barbie dolls would back off.

*Next day*

I woke up and it was school but Charlie had all his school his school stuff here. I went into the bathroom and had a shower. I got out, dried my hair and put my uniform on. I then just put on some mascara and lip balm because I didn't like wearing too much make up.

I went downstairs and just as I finished my cereal, Leo and Charlie came downstairs. I waited for them to get there breakfast and then we walked to school. We said goodbye to our mum and left the house. We walked to school as we normally would but the as we were coming near the school Charlie stopped me but Leo saw Harvey so he kept walking.

"You sure you're ok with you being my fake girlfriend?" He asked me. "Yeah. Look what I said about not liking you as more than a friend, I didn't mean it. But Leo was there so I kinda had to say it" I admitted. "I didn't mean it either. So could we be boyfriend and girlfriend but not act it when it's just the three of us?" he asked. "Sure" I said.

We started walking towards the school gates and Charlie intertwined his fingers with mine. I looked up at him and smiled. We got to where Leo and Harvey were and started talking.

"Is there something I should know here?" Harvey asked. "Yeah, were kinda going out" Charlie said. "Oh my God I have to tell everyone!" He said as he ran off towards the other boys that were in the football team. "Leo, don't tell Harvey that it's fake because he can't keep a secret" I told Leo. He nodded and as he did, the bell went for tutor.

The three of us walked into tutor and all the Barbie dolls saw that me and Charlie were holding hands. They gave me even more death threats than they have done before.

We sat in our seats at the back of the room and all the Barbie dolls came over to us. "Charlie, why are you holding her hand?" One of them asked. "Because were going out." Charlie said. "But I'm way better than her, why did you choose her over me?" They asked again. "Because Hannah isn't plastic. Unlike you" He said and Leo and I laughed.

"Well, just to prove that you are going out can you kiss?" Another of the Barbie Dolls asked. We both looked at each other then looked straight at Leo. He gave us a look as if to say Don't do it. I looked at Charlie and put my legs over his legs. I grabbed his neck and pulled him down to my height and pressed his lips against mine.

We kissed for a good 30 seconds until we had to pull away for air. We pressed our foreheads against each other and looked into his eyes. "Happy" I asked as I looked at the Barbie dolls. You could see the anger in their faces as they strutted off back to their seat in the room.

One thought just filled through my head.

What's Leo going to say?

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