Chapter 25

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*5 months later*

We have been touring with the boys for 5 months now. It has been amazing. Charlie, Leondre and I have built up quite a fan base and touring with the boys has helped me gain so much confidence.

I am 6 months pregnant now and my baby bump isn't too big, but it is noticeable that I have been getting bigger. We told our fans that I was pregnant when my bump started to show, which was about a month and a half ago.

Since then, at every concert at least one fan would bring us something for the baby. Whether it be clothes, toys or even books! It was nice knowing that the fans were ok with me being pregnant with Charlie's baby, because a lot of girls like Charlie!

Today we are in Italy and have just finished sound check and are listening to the boys finish there sound check. We could already hear all of the fans screaming outside and we still had 5 hours before the concert started.

We were doing the VIP meet and greet in an hour so most of the people who were already here must have been for that. I had a real problem though.

I had a huge craving for a sausage and mushroom sandwich and we barely had any food!

"Please Leondre can you just go out and buy some sausages, mushrooms and bread?" I pleaded my brother.

"You do know that is going to be one of the weirdest and most disgusting sandwiches ever?" He asked. "I don't care! It's not me that wants it, it's this little girl" I said as I pointed towards my stomach. "Fine!" He said as he got up and grabbed £10.

We only had 15 minutes before the meet and greet and Leo only just got back. "Why did it take you so long?" I asked with anger in my voice. "There are so many fans outside and I kinda got mobbed!" He said.

"Fine, I forgive you, as long as you bought me food" I said. "Would I ever disappoint you?" He asked as he handed me the food. "Love you" I said as I made the food up into a sandwich.

I finished eating just before the meet and greet so we headed out to the room where the fans were. I got in there and as soon as the door opened, we just heard screams!

One by one, we met the fans but about half way through my baby girl needed a drink.

I love being pregnant (note the sarcasm!).

I told Charlie that I was going to get a bottle of water and he offered to get it for me but I told him that I would be fine.

I headed towards our food room to get some water and then head straight back. I was walking towards the room when I heard screams and then all of a sudden silence.

I walked in and wished that I didn't.

My Brothers Best Friend || Charlie Lenehan and Leondre Devries FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now