one, three: slt's of hartley

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and mara stood in the mirror for a little while longer, not realising how much time had actually passed. and when she finally appeared in the school halls the whispering restarted. hearing her name alongside many others. those dirty looks, the ones that made you feel so small. and for a minute she was chubby girl covering her stomach as she walked through the halls. the feeling she never wanted to experience again. as she walked through the halls, she heard the talking. harper had punched amerie; it was revealed to be amerie that wrote the map. but there was no way that freak did that on her own. she would have believed harper, her partner in crime would have been involved. but the punch said otherwise. and quinni jumped in front of her.

"mara, what is a lazy kebab?" the poor girl asked, and her face fell. should she tell her.

"uh." she started awkwardly looking at darren for help. yet they gave them an amused look yet edging to inform the girl nicer than they would. and she motioned to the vagina area. watching the girls face all.


"yeah, sorry." the girl awkwardly smiled, starting to rub the back of her neck as her face flamed up in embarrassment.

"spider hasn't seen them though. nobody has." she commented confused.

"seems he likes to pick and choose what he says about people." the girl laughed before realising they did not know. just continuing to walk beside them.

"who knows what that incel was thinking. straight men are a mystery to me." darren commented which also made mara laugh with them. quinni's face lightening up with an idea.

"maybe he was with someone and was too embarrassed to admit who equally was?"

"nah that's not like spider. he has the biggest ego ever. he brags about them all." darren replied and both seemed to notice the flicker of mara's face. the trio continued to walk to some tables before sitting down. when the familiar voice of the headmaster sounded out on the speakers.

"will the following students please relocate to classroom 5d: amerie wadia, harper mclean, sasha so, missy beckett. dustin reid, spencer white, anthony vaughn."

"sounds like a bunch of dickheads." darren laughed as they moved onto the last of their banana.

"aha anyways-" mara started wanting to tell the two how quinni should not be so worried about spider's stupid comment on her flaps when the voice over continued.

"marianne darling, darren rivers, quinni gallagher-jones, douglas piggott, malakai mitchell."

"who the fuck is malakai?" mara commented as they begun to stand. each one as worried as the other as what was going on. that was such a weird group to have called out. a weird group that all seemed to appear on the wall. coincidence? most likely not. and the three made their way to classroom 5d. spider and ant walking behind them. pushing and shoving each other as they always did. when spider was thrown into her. knocking her into darren.

"what the fuck do you think you are playing at cunt!" she spat spinning on her heel to face the boy. a chorus of ooos went through his group once more.

"what's the matter baby? cat got your tongue." she grinned, flashing him that doe eyed look she used to use to get him to kiss her.

"time of the month?" he commented grinning back. trying not to let the look rattle him, no matter how hard it was. the air around them seemed to snap along with her. raising her fist when darren and quinni grabbed her arms. dragging her into the classroom. the group quickly made their way over to a table in the middle as spider's group settled in the seats behind them. he was so fucking confusing. less than an hour ago he was in the bathroom with her. cupping her cheek wiping away blood. he was so fucking contradicting of himself. when he opened his fucking mouth again.

"map bitch. woo. map bitch." it was like he was trying to signal a dog and she noticed the target of his comment. amerie. she should not feel bad for the girl. afterall, she did write the map. but it seemed like something they only did for fun. even it dragged her down with it.

"spider honestly fucking shut it. your whiney bitchy voice is giving me a headache man." she spat before mocking how he spoke. which made the calls around her laugh as he only smiled. but his attention moved to the next target as ca$h walked in. he gave her a small smile as he passed.

"you coming to the cemetery tomorrow?" dusty questioned as the room fell silent, making his question louder then he originally wanted.

"oi what's at the cemetery?" darren asked turning to look at dusty and his mates.

"none of your business, bong water." spider snapped, his little ass licking friends laughing straight away as if he said the funniest thing in the world.

"i swear i just told you to shut the fuck up. did you not hear me or something?" she replied sarcastic, and the boy only hummed nodding his shoulders as if he were agreeing with her. the headmaster warning her with a disciplinary when a teacher walked in, ms obah. her english teacher. the teacher who let her eat in her classroom last year when she first started to fall out with everyone. the answer to why now revealed.

"hi everyone, i'm ms josephine obah but you can call me jojo. i am an english teacher so i recognized a few of your faces. but i am sure what you are really wondering is why you are all here. your names are on the map. the old out of bounds stairwell map. we know a lot of you seem to be sexually active, but we are concerned this map demonstrates a lack of respect for one another when it comes to relationships. so, we wanted to address it head on. this is a special class that aims to give you clear and accessible information about sex-" the english teacher spoke. ignoring the classes groans of disgust and unpleasantness. when ms woods cut her off.

" a sexual literacy tutorial!" she exclaimed happily clapping her hands. and the class grew silent.

"slt?" mara questioned raising her brow at the teachers expecting them to produce something better.

"slt. so, we are sluts?" darren asked finally clicking on with the teachers train of thought, and both went tight lipped. not expecting them to link the name of the class to anything. the classroom burst out with laughter. much to the horror of the teachers.

"no but she is." ant commented. everyone turning to look at the girl and she almost wanted to sink into the chair. spider climbed into his table and started thrusting his hips into the air. ah familiar.

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