one, twenty: it's a date

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"can't believe you actually drank that." cash laughed as he watched her drain the bottle of water. everything was so sour. he sat arms crossed with an amused look, her eyes were far from amused. she looked royally pissed, like she'd wrap her fingers around his throat and strangle him. before bursting out in laughter. okay maybe it was a little bit funny. thankfully the rest of the day just seemed to blur by,nothing that interesting happened. just another day in school, falling back into the routine. then came one of her favourite lessons, english. they were analysing poems, i wanna be yours by john cooper clarke. the one which was used as song lyrics for the arctic monkeys.when a folded paper landed before her, their teacher was old, strict. an arsehole and wouldn't let them they resorted to notes.

'hang out after?' was written in cash's messy scrawl. she grinned and nodded before pocketing the scrap paper. picking the red highlighter up once more to continuing indulging herself in her work. whilst cash sat with his phone hidden in his lap. earphone looped over his ear and under his jacket.

going food was always the twos go to, that and the fact cash took orders for extra cash. which is where they found themself at a food place. they sat in the outside bay. a paper box, now nearly empty, before them with a burger and chips. that they were sharing, didn't fancy spending the extra money for the two portions when cash would steal it anyways. she was drinking the red slush when she heard them, throwing a look over her shoulder. followed by the eye roll. chook. arsehole.

"oh! it's the kids!" he shouted, stopping by them. fucking fantatsic. she planted that fake smile on her face as she looked up at them. cash greeting chook. when chook gave her that disgusting look, the one where he looks her up and down, eyes trailing on every feature of her body before grinning ear to ear and smirking. it was fucking horrid.

"hi princess, feel like i haven't seen you two much since the rammy."he stated, leaning over her to grab one of her chips. he was absloutley fucking vile.

"oh, nah. just been looking after nan. she's een a bit sick.'' cash spoke softly, he wasn't entirely wrong. nan was a bit sick, not physically because she was getting sick of him getting into trouble. 

"sick of sucking your dick?"

"shut the fuck up." mara spat and chook laughed.

"that's my girl." far fucking from it. 

"go to the car." chook started looking at the boy who made the comment. mara didn't know his name, nor did she care at all.

"you um... you all good?"

"yeah, eetswa." he smiled softly, placing his hand on mara's knee in attempt to get chook to stop staring at the girls thighs. it seemed to work cause his eyes flickered to the hand before back to cash. 

"what time do you knock off? you want to come to chill at the station?" he asked looking between the two. chill at the station meant one thing. get mara away from cash.

"oh, yeah? nah. nah i can't. date night." cahs laughed, before smiling at mara. taking her hand in his. and darren’s head seemed to snap towards the group in the window. what the actually fuck.

"another time eh?"

"yeha for sure."

"shot. see ya around princess." chook blew her a kiss as he started to leave the two alone. she only gave a fake smile before returning to her drink. and the second his back was turned the two hands remained locked. cash and mara never had a problem holding hands. it comforted them. hence why cash always took her hand around chook and his gang. she got extremely uncomfortable.

"a date?" darren asked bringing cash his order.

"ah! no!" cash practically cried.

"oh, so we're fibbing to the boys now?" they smiled, getting what the two where up to. it was weird how darren always just seemed to get cash. and how quick they got the hint at the two actually not being interested in one another. marauickly elbowed him before looking to darren who had raised their brow at her actions.

"i was wondering if maybe you wanted to hang? you know, if you're not doing anything." she was so proud.


"yeah? yeha. all good. just text me when you get off work or something."

"yeah easy, it's a date." and with that comment mara practically buzzed in her seat. hell yes it was. cash gave a sigh of relief as he wiped his now sweaty hand son his shirt as mara finished the last of the chips. grabbing the slush as she followed cash to the bike. at a safe distance, only then did she scream.

"i can't believe you actually did, and they said it's a date. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh." she screamed, jumping up and down on the spot. cash could see why some people said she had bee energy. she was buzzing, shaking and dancing at the news of darren and cash.

"stop it, calm. they might hear you." cash sat pushing her slightly.

"i don't care, the worlds finally looking up for once." and cash couldn't hide the face splitting grin on his face. it's a date. it was so a date.

"tell me everything that happens, and for the love of god doug. don't mess it up." she commented as he dropped her off at her hose. the sky growing dark.

"bye love you!" he shouted as she opened the door.

"love you too, have fun!" she smiled and waved before he drove off. she was manifesting he had a good time with them. he deserved it. he needed it actually. she wasn't tired, so instead she opted for a movie. even though it was nowhere near christmas time, the polar express was sounding pretty good right now. her best friend was on a date and she was watching the polar express. a good day. a very good day

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