one, ten: blue strings

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mentions of abortions btw!

"so last session, we covered the social consequences of sexting. today's exercise we demonstrate how quickly these pictures end up places unwanted." ms obah spoke and she swore she wanted to start ripping her hair out. and her eyes. maybe amerie's too. could have sworn slt's was cancelled. and before long the group was ushered to stand. they were doing some kind of practical activity. amerie walked around wrapping string around everyone's hands. wrapping it around their wrist and moving on.

"oh im not participating." mara grinned as amerie stood before her. she felt cold under her gaze, she was grinning like some kind of mischievous cat. up to no good. and she wouldn't offer her hand. so amerie did the only reasonable thing. she obviously fist want to get in trouble for not doing her 'job' correctly. so she snatched maras hand as she went to grab her lipgloss. wrapping it around the girls finger as she squirmed.

"girls!" the tutor shouted and amerie pulled back with a fellow grin. the blue string wrapped tightly around her pinky finger, almost too tightly. before carrying on. mara followed that single string to spider, who was flicking the said string almost as if trying to get her attention. of course of all people to be tied too. it had to be him. before being instructed to play popcorn with a toilet roll. it was supposed to be so kind of exercise. to show how an image could spread online. always blaming things on the internet. which reminded her of the photos on spider's phone. she felt sick. to her stomach. could be for two reasons that obviously. she watched spider's eyes flicker between the two girls. he knew something was up. he just couldn't place his finger on it. fucking idiot. and eventually the group were unstrung and untangled from one another. until it was just spider and mara left.

"didn't mind being strung to you."

"what a crazy coincidence, can't say the same for you though." and the group ooo'd at her comment yet he inky smiled. thinking she was just being sarcastic. but her cold gaze never changed.

"can we talk?"

"go fuck yourself."

"what's up with that." ant questioned as spider joined him and dusty at their own table once more. still not pulling his gaze from mara.

"we do a project in bio together, was asking for her to do it all." it wasn't exactly a lie. they were being forced to do a project in bio. something about looking after a plant. and the lesson ended. ca$h already making his way out. he had arranged an exchange during the free time die to cancellation of slt's yet he got stuck here. so she made her way over to darren and quinni.

"are you at work today?" mara questioned as quinni wrapped her arms around her. pulling the girl to her side. she liked quinni, she liked the connection they had. always knowing what the other needed when it came to touch. they knew when not to touch the other and knew when they really needed that attention.

"yeah i will try and save you some food if you're coming to visit."

"great, you're the best boo."

"I know i am." they grinned and she couldn't help but laugh. and they started their random stroll around the school. weaving between classmates and students they didn't know. quinni was singing this really upbeat song and darren was sort of dancing along. it was a familiar song, maybe ine from the radio. which made the girl smile. if it were anyone else she'd be embrassed but they had the vibe of no fucks given. the vibes she adored. until she got a message.

moneyman: you ready?

bunnedup: absolutely not

moneyman: see you in five at gates

she said goodbye to the two before rushing to the gates before the bell. finding ca$h stood there in his gloomy stance.

"what's up moody?" she smiled, scaring him causing him to jump slightly. only to calm noticing it was her. it was funny, a bit but she didn't like the way he got scared. like he knew something he wasn't. like how his eyes lingered on harper for a little too long. she knew he didn't like her, he was rather interested in someone else. they walked mainly in silence. only a few questions muttered between them. until the daunting building stood before them. the three steps seeming never ending as the disappeared into the silver doors. it was clean. too clean. it made her stunk. and god the smell. it was revolting. and pink. Good god everything was either pink or white. it was dehumanising. the aura of 'only women could get pregnant' hung in the air, the posters on the walls. it was so. so. last season? she sat and listened to that stupid baby like music. guilt caught in her breath. reminding her that there could have been a baby in there eventually. fucking parasite. god she hated kids. but the vibe, the aura. it made her feel guilty. until she got the message of ca$h reminding her she can do this. almost as if he knew her feeling in this exact moment. and the paper was finally signed. ca$h had decided not to go in yet. she promised to message him if she needed him. he sat at the bus stop outside. hoping no one he knew would be around here. filling the form took about an hour itself. questions asking wondering if she would consider her actions. questions what made her come to this. sickening.

if the form wasn't bad enough, she had to sit in the bed under the watchful eyes of those medical professionals as she was forced to watch a video on abortion and the health risks. and she felt unreal.  trapped in this tiny room listening to why this could be a mistake. a mistake? the audacity. the mistake was actually sleeping with that prick, it was falling for him. getting attached. even though he treated her like she were just a piece of string around his finger to play with. tug when he wanted her. and now the string is snapped he can't help but still try and tug. she felt as if she were floating out her body as they finally introduced themselves. doctor turner and assistant doctors james, black and keyn. felt as the helped her lay down. strap something to her arm. face twitching as they pulled out a needle, stinging her eyes shut once more as they pressed it to her hand.

"you're going to get a bit sleepy now." turner spoke softly. the lights were blinding her. the beeping sounds from the machines rung in her ears. she could feel their hands in her. double checking everything. a bit sleepy was an understatement. within a couple if seconds she was completely out of it. drowning in the drowsiness. feeling her own heartbeat slow as her eyes flickered shut. ignoring the blue line following from her hand to the machine. stupid blue strings.

and when she woke up it was gone. she woke up in the shitty plastic bed. a boy sat on the chair with his head hung. arms crossed against his chest, he looked adorable.

"ca$h." she cried and he snapped up away as if someone pressed the on button. he leaped up grabbing her able and practically forcing her to drink.

you've been out for ages. you had ne scared shitless."

"ha ha, scared you." she smiled and he couldn't help but sigh as he dropped back into the chair beside the bed. he handed her a yoghurt which some women handed him ages ago for her. strawberry cheesecake. the girl sat in the bed, carefully eating her yoghurt as they sat in silence.

"is it gone?" she finally questioned, voice cracking slightly still from her slumber.

"it's gone." and the weight lifted from her shoulders. he watched her shoulder finally lift from their drooped state.

"never talk about this again?"

"never talk about this again. wanna go get a burger?" she repeated with a soft smile. before questioning about food. that's the mara darling he missed.

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