one, nine: the realisation

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was what the red lights of her clock appeared to be. showing the exact time, clocks were weird. the concept of time was weird too. when she heard the tapping on her window. she couldn't quite make out the face with the darkness of her room. climbing out of bed, throwing a jumper on. she found ca$h at her window, perched on the garage roof.

"what the hell is wrong with you?" she whispered hissed, she was glad that he didn't knock on the door of course. cause her mum would kill her. but it's late. too late. but he merely smiled, eyes glancing to the hand he raised. a bag of food. and she even let out a breathy laugh. nodding as she climbed through her window. leaving her phone and her headphones on the bed. they disappeared into the night. running to the park near hers, somewhere his friends wouldn't think to look for him.

"did you finally watch american pyscho?" he asked as he carefully ate a sandwich nan had made him. when she caught him sneaking out with just a bag of crisps for mara, she was quick to make up some actual food. be had a bag which had some ham sandwiches, crisps and some biscuits.

"yes." is all she replied as she took another handful of the pickled onion flavoured crisps.

"ooo doesn't sound good."

"i fucking hated it."

"no!" he exclaimed throwing the rest of his sandwich at her, causing the two to burst out laughing as it hit her cheek and just fell straight down on the bench. she watched as he glanced to look at her stomach and back to her eyes. the doctor told her she could be at least two months. it was weird. two whole months. a bean was there and she didn't even know. apparently her mum was the same. she didn't have any warning signs. no morning sickness. had a period for a few months. it was weird.

"you told spider yet?" he questioned, pulling out his phone to play some music. it was peaceful, just sitting here with mara. this was something they used to do often. before he got in with the wrong crowd.

"not yet." she whispered. he pulled out his phone once more, passing it to her so she could take the usually selfie of the two. the one that gets hung on her walls along with the rest. and the ones that remain hidden in his camera roll never to be found by his mates. and unknown to her. a phone sat on her cream sheets. her own phone. ringing. 'spider' flashing on the screen. the spiderman theme playing softly as it rang. and rang. until he finally stopped calling. leaving a boy on the other side. stood below her window. looking up wondering if she was ignoring him or something.

she wanted to speak to spider. she was going to tell him. today. she was a women with a plan. so the girl in the cream skirt and red jumper found herself walking towards the school. headphones blasting music. watching groups of friends push their way through the gates. her heart rapid beating in her chest. she could feel the music in her stomach. she pondered. how on earth would she tell him. sound she be straight up, hint at it. she knew where he would be. the pe hall. basketball practice where he would palming basketball. duh. and that's where she found him. standing over amerie. arms crossed. and he glared down at the girl. but he wasn't glaring. was he. he had this kind of look in his eye as he looked down at the map bitch. the girl who ruined their lives. but she was about to ruin his. he was in love with amerie. she needed to get out. right now. and she made a quick turn. leaving as spider's eyes looked up to the girl. oh. oh no. and he went after her.

"mara!" he shouted. finally catching the girl. grabbing her wrist and pulling her back. her face was quickly turning red, puffing as each second past. her eye lined with tears.

"what is wrong marianne." tell him.

"marianne?" just fucking tell him.

but she didn't. she remained quiet. and so did he.

"let me go." she practically cried, the people around them side eyeing them. small. she felt so small right now. everyone's judging gaze on her. his grip softened lightly. and she was gone.

- - -

this was a quick one, college has been on my ass recently and i had a stressful day at work the other day so i hope you enjoy it still. more coming soon.

em <3

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