one, nineteen: drinks

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"oh, fuck off." the girl cried burying her head in the pillow. 

"marianne darling!" her mother shouted once more, oh fuck. full name. not good. she hurried out of her bed, barrelling down the stairs. only to find her mum at the front door, the pigs stood tall behind.  

"marianne darling? are you friends with douglas piggott?"   

"no. i don't even recognise the name sorry sir." 

"is he not in your classes?" 

"think i'd know if that name was in my class, my apologies." she grinned. her mother stood arms crossed. she was lying straight through her teeth. her teeth which she bared as if she were some kind of monster. they bid the goodbyes before returning to the van.  

"you'll get int trouble for that, lying to them." 

"like i give a fuck. fuck the police force." she spat, climbing the stairs once more. she still had an hour and a half before school. she could get a shower and be able to dry her hair in time. thank the lords. cindy shouted after her daughter, but mara could not be arsed with her right now. she ignored the burning sting of hot water, her skin flushed red. but they at least she smells like fruits. she was drying her hair when he rang.

"what drink do you want?" he spoke, he sounded tired. very spider of him. 

"cherry pepsi." she smiled, running her fingers through her hair trying to untangle it. too lazy to get up and get her brush.  

"you sick fuck."  

"and an aero." she added, ignoring his comment. even though she laughed. she returned to getting changed and ready, whilst he rambled on about what him and ant did at training yesterday. and as expected he found her sat at the bench in the park. god she was pretty, hair pulled into a braid away from her face. she wore leggings and a baggy shirt.  

"cherry pepsi and an aero." he shouted, throwing a can at her. watching as she screamed. leaping to grab the can so it wouldn't hit anything. she didn't care for the chocolate bar, just as long as the can didn't burst open.  

"you're an arsehole, you knwo that right?" she sat as she ran up to him. insectively he threw his arm over her shoulders. bringing her closer as she put both the drink and chocolate bar in her bag.  

"so romantic." he laughed, and she jabbed her fingers into his hip. he gave a cry as he shrunk away from her, but she was roaring with laughter. yet they returned to walking to school, his arm over her shoulder as he drunk his apple juice. asking if she wanted a sip every couple of sips. they ignored the whispers and looks they got as they walked in together.    

"spider? mara? thank fuck, about time." dusty practically exclaimed, now if everyone hadn't already got the picture they definitely knew now. everyone watched as he leaned down to kiss her cheek before following ant to the gym. everyone watched as her face grew red and walked towards cash grinning ear to ear who as leaning against the lockers with a raised brow.  

"literally disgusting." 

"jealously is an awful emotion on you, douglas." 

"ah, came for you too?" he questioned walking alongside her, heading towards science. their least favourite lesson, in fact they sat at the back and doodled on papers. unless they were messing around with chemicals, now they loved this.  

and spider found himself in the weights room, ant and malakai with him. ant wasn't on the weights, instead he was taking pictures of his arm. well more the muscle. god he was so fit, he thought as he took another bite of his sandwich which sider had got him from the shop this morning.  

"saw that video you posted." spider spoke breaking the silence in the room. 

"bit desperate, is it?" 

"nah gotta rig, mate. don't be jealous." malakai replied as he ran his fingers down his own arm. they were kind of swore now. before getting ready to pick up the 15kg weight once more.  

"i just hope you're not trying to thirst trap amerie, she's filth." he scoffed with a smile. okay so malakai liked amerie, big deal. spider had mara anyways. this comment made malakai brow twitch ever so slightly before he started lifting. almost trying to compete with the blonde. how fucking dare he. and the bile rised in his throat. he only just had enough time to drop the wieght and hurl onto the floor. spider and ant laughing at him almost straight away.  

"i'm not going to be dragged down by you anymore light weight. find someone else to train with." spider spoke leaning over malakai, his eyes stung with the slightest of tears as he lifted to wipe his lip.  

  "you good?" ant questioned. 

"you good?" cash questioned and she broke from the dissociation, finally pulling her eyes from the window to turn to cash. who looked absolutely stupid right now may she add. he was hunched over the table, glass pressed right up against his nose as he swirled a blue liquid in the beaker. holding the yellow liquid test tube int the other. her eyes finding ammerie who was scoffing a piece of paper in her mouth. harper watching her with odd eyes, odd because mara couldn't figure out the emotion. 

"give you a tenner if you down that." cash spoke as he handed her the yellow vile. she stared at the vile, back at him then back at the vile.  

"what is it?" she questioned raising her brow. she obviously wasn't going to do it. 

"acid.” he grinned, he was right. it was technically an acid, but judging by the amused gaze on her gaze she got the joke. a drug dealer giving her acid. yeah.

"alright then." she smiled, necking the yellow vile. before crying. the lemon bursting in her mouth, fucking arsehole.  

"you fucking idiot!" cash screamed, throwing his water at her. the pair are lucky it was only liquid citric acid. the teacher at the front once remined why she never let the two partake in physical lessons. 

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