one, five: the consequences of their actions

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and she was dragged to the bathroom by quinni. darren stopped outside as mara was dragged in. quinni finally letting her go to disappear into the toilet as she turned to the mirror. reapplying lip gloss as she heard quinni started staring in the stall next to her. words she couldn't quite pick up through the headphones she had put back in before entering the toilets. when the bathroom door opened and she watched the blur of amerie go passed.

"ugh. i love when toxic bitches enter their flop eras." darren replied watching the girl run before throwing a smile to mara which only made her chuckle.

"touchè. the consequencesof our own actions." mara laughed. she would regret that.

"hey. don't say that, that's really mean." quinni quickly replied. it was obvious how has she felt for the map bitch.

"she's literally the one who put your flaps on the map?"

"yeah i know-"

"technically she's just the one who wrote it. the messenger."

"okay i love you quinni. but that girl has never enknowledged our existence."

"so? haven't you ever felt that a complete reject?" she said before hopping oast. motioning them to follow her to maths. but both remained stood still. she has a point. a really good one in fact. one that made her think of just this morning. the feeling of people looking down at her as she scattered for the toilets. the girl who was hunched over the toilet throwing up a few hours ago. the one who had a panic attack and has to be calm by the sweetest yet biggest dickhead she knew off. fair enough. and they followed after quinni to their lesson. passing spider and his group when her phone buzzed.

spence: hang out after school?

mara: no.

quickly typing her reply, watching his face drop. looking up to look at her only for her to not even throw him a look over her shoulder. wow. and she went went on her lessons. ignoring him at every chance she got. ignored the head signals and smiles. ignoring the messages that popped up. when the final bell rang. the signal of freedom. and as if timed another message buzzed on her phone.

mum: come straight fucking home!

great. just what she needed. and she opened spotify. maybe she'd take the long walk home so she could get a few more moments of peace. stopping in the park down the street for a moment. queen songs playing as she just sat there. watching. it felt a bit creepy but she was at peace. she could see a couple making out of top of the climbing rocket. she could see the kids running round laughter as their parents sat talking to their friends. when a blonde jumped onto the bench from behind her. only to find spider when she turned her head. immediately standing up and going to leave.

"wait. why are you acting like this?" he shouted. quickly rushing after her.

"i don't know. why do you act like two different people? why weren't our names linked? why haven't you bragged it to everyone like you would for anyone else?" she spat, digging her finger into the boys chest pushing him back.

"you can't be serious." he laughed as he brought a hand to where she had hurt him. rubbing it lightly.

"until you can give me an answer to why. we're done." and she walked the rest of her way home without stopping. leaving the blonde on the park bench. his answer on the tip of his tongue.

"cause i like you." he mumbled as he accepted her actions. she was right to start treating him like how he treated her in school. and when she returned home. her mother was sat on the dining table. that only had two chairs.

"where the hell have you been?"

"sorry the teachers held us back." she seemed to shrink under her mothers disappointed gaze.

"yeah and you know why." and her mother slammed a bag on the table. a shitty plastic bag from the corner shop. she could see the contents due to the thin layer of the bag. a pregnancy test. her heart faltered in her chest. yet her mothers face never changed. a cold hard look of disgust. and for the third time that day, the girl found herself in a bathroom on the verage of sobbing. the test laid on the counter. she didn't care look at it. minutes pasted. too many had past in fact. her mother stood outside. not knowing how to feel. wanting to know the result.

"marianne? are you okay?" her mother asked knocking lightly. and the girl finally appeared from the room once more. the test left discarded on the sink. and she fell into her mums arms. eyes red and cheeks aflamed. a quivering lip and shaking hands.

"oh anne." her mother cried holding her daughter. sure the answer was important but right now marianne needed her mother. something herself didn't get to experience all those years ago.

"it's okay, it's going to be okay." she mumbled. and before long the girl was hidden in her room. no longer with the intention of going to the cemetery tomorrow. and that is where she stayed. wallowing in her sheets. the weight of her actions making it hard to breath. fucking idiot. her phone buzzing with notifications beside her. yet she never found the energy to answer any of them. she knew darren and quinni would be messaging her asking about tomorrow. she also knew spider would be spamming her. and after a while the room grew dark, the phones battery finally died. the doorbell rang. she could hear her mum talking to someone. spider. yet she never moved. she remained laid in the cream sheets. she had fucked up. badly. her name was dirt to them already. nevermind now.

marianne darling was pregnant.

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