one, forty two: swap up

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"cash, i need to know what team you're on." mara cried as they followed the rest of their slt class to a new classroom.

"please for the love of god leave me alone." he mumbled, trying to pretend like he wasn't with her although everyone already knew they were best friends.

"it's serious!" she wailed.

"it's gilmore girls!" cash screamed as he dropped into a random seat, burying his head in his hands.

"yes? that's serious." she replied dropping into the one right beside, he wasn't getting away that easy.

"what are the teams?" why couldn't he just watch it.

"dean the first boyfriend, jess the troublemaker, and logan the rich one, or tristan the bully." she grinned, placing four fingers up and pointing to each one as she recalled their names.

"dean." he said, picking a random one. in true cash effort, the first option. but this was returned by a strange noise from mara, her face twisted and lips pierced together.

"fine jess." he spoke again, flailing his arms around in an attempt to please her but she only sneered.

"the answer was logan or tristan."

"can everyone take their seats? get off the table spencer. are we a full contingent today? where's malakai?" ms woods spoke as she entered the classroom, everyone shutting up as she did so.

"he's not here, miss, he's gone my country." missy informed the headteacher and she nodded, pushing her glasses up her nose slightly.

"oh, like overseas?" ant questioned, a dumb look painted on his face.

"no, the bush.'' missy commented and yet he still looked absolutely utterly confused.

"did you have an extra bowl of stupid this morning, ant?" wow, wtf. it's a bit harsh.

"mhm miss, why have we moved classrooms?" sasha questioned trying to move the conversation along.

"and where's miss obah?'' darren added the class agreeing asking where she was.

"miss obah, will no longer be taking the sexual literacy tutorial any longer. there is a new sheriff in town.'' miss woods informed the class, watching the sea of confused looks as they tried to guess who it was. looking at the door as if waiting for someone to enter.

"she means herself ya cunts.'' mara commented and then came the chorus of ooo's.

"thank you miss darling. yes, it's me. i'm the sheriff." brilliant, mara couldn't wait for ms woods to find out all the dirty and disgusting details about her students especially the ones she would have never expected such stuff from.

"seven weeks ago, you were put in this class. can anyone tell me why?" she asked, walking up and down the isles of her students as if she were trying to manipulate them into answering like they had killed someone. and in her mind, they did. their reputations.

"the incest map." sasha spoke, amerie bowing her head onto the table at the mention of it.

"boom. and yet the tradition of documenting sexual exploits continued right under miss obah's nose. this indicates to me that you have learned very little. so because you cannot learn to respect sex or each other. it's time to get serious." ms woods exclaimed, reaching the front once more. standing at the white board. lifting the remote up and clicking a button. and the zoomed in picture of a disgusting vagina popped on the screen. horror stricken looks spread across the classroom. people borked and gagged, some covered their eyes and others just went blank.

"this is a yeast infection." she clicked again, a picture of a red spotted flaccid penis came next. she was going to vomit. cash looked equally traumatised.

"oh god." ant cried as he covered his eyes in disgust.

"god will not be helping you if you get one of these anthony."

"it also affects the male genitalia, a disease that understands equity and inclusion better than some of you. it is caused by unprotected sex. other than stds, can anyone tell me what else is caused by unprotected sex." no. mara's eyes went wide.

"i don't know, ask mara." dusty whispered, expecting a chuckle from his boys, but neither of them laughed.

"pregnancy?" darren answered, a look of pure disgust ridden on their features.

"babies, correct" and she grabbed her back, her stomach doing flips as she gagged. rushing for the door. covering her mouth. rushing for the bathroom before she barfed on the floor. yet the sick never came, she remained hunched over almost begging to be sick.

in the past seven weeks, marianne darling had come to the conclusion that having amerie wadia walking up to you with a crazy look in her eye was never a good idea. especially not when she's dragging you over to a table with a bunch of coloured paper notes and doodles.

"i don't want anything to do with whatever this is." she spoke as she dragged her over, darren and quinni looking up at her with raised brows.

"it's a protest to get miss obah back."

"so, i'm listening." and she dropped into the empty seat beside quinni, letting the girl show her the doodles she had been working on. including one of her. they were amazing.

'how much?'

mara wrote on a scrap note it, sticking it to quinni's book when he wasn't looking.

'what do you mean?'

'can i buy it off you?'

'you wanna buy it?'

of course i do, it's incredible. quinni. i'm really proud of you.'

and she watched the girl's face light up.

"which brings us to you. spread the word."

"mara, you've go spider, ant and dusty." fucking fantastic. just what she needed yet she nodded, smiling and waving goodbye to quinni before going on the hunt to find any three of the boys. not allowed playing through her headphones as she walked laps around the school. how hard was it to find the three most lewd and loud boys in school. finally finding one walking down stairs.

"spider, spencer!" she cried rushing to the railing, the blonde stopping at the halfway point of the stairs. looking up at her. the girl seemingly glowing under the school lights as she smiled. she was smiling at him.

"yeah, i'm not doing that."

"scarifiers for the ones you love?" she spoke softly, and he turned to look back up at her. remembering the moment in the bathroom. bitch.

"fuck you mara." he shouted as she blew him a kiss, tried to ignore the smile lifting onto his features.and he was back in the game. throwing his arms into the air in celebration, people stared as the passed.

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