one, twenty nine: what a load of rubbish

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"so we all agree pron has given us unrealistic ideas of what sex should look like? but is it all bad?"ms obah started the class and once again marianne pulled out her phone as well as her headphones.turning to offer one to cash as the two started watching scrolling on her tiktok for you page. what a load of rubbish this class was.

"well when you watch as much as ant does." she heard dusty added followed by laughs. boys.

"it must be hard, hey? being jammed so far in the closet you're practically in narnia?'' darren questioned and she pulled her eyes from her phone, finding darren commenting on spider's reaction. snickers and giggles surrounding.

"that's what mara for actually." spider spat back, not even bothering to look at her before bringing her into the conversation.

"so you don't look gay?" darren asked, face lighting up as spider fell straight into their trap.

"no as in she's the gay one." he replied dumbly and her stare turned blank. right.

"bisexual." she sneered and he finally turned to look at her. the blank stare boring into him. well fuck.

"miss i find porn a bit hectic, like if that's what sex is supposed to look like. i don't think i want it."

"yeah, yeah, feels like it's all about getting a guy off."

"isn't it?"

"and not at all about what girls actually want."

"that's because guys see girls as objects. they are poised to seeing the men in porn treating the women like shit then it's altered their minds to think that's how it is. that they cam fuck and dump. they sabotaged themselves as their brains are now wired to act in a way that is what sex is.'' mara added, this was something she could talk about for hours. the impact of porn on men and women. it was something she so strongly disagreed on, sure porn had its pros but the cons outweigh them on a large scale.

"see, mara is absolutely correct. and that's why i wanted to talk to you about pleasure. specifically your pleasure." jojo added, smiling at the girl. it was good to see how she reacted to things, it showed her work was working. the kids were learning something.

"isn't that illegal, miss?" ant commented, leaning back in his chair.

"i get why you think that, ant, because it feels scary. right? you know teenagers actually knowing what they want." she added and a course of agreement went around the room. it was true, everyone was so used to just being told what they wanted.

"i want that playstation gift voucher." quinni started, thinking she meant to start right now.

"i want a good almond milk.'' sasha added, grinning at her girlfriend.

"i want my dad to be proud of me." ant came next, a chorus of awes following his words.

"i want to be in love.'' mara stated and the girls hummed in agreement. they were sick of hookup culture. they wanted to be in love. she wanted flowers. she wanted him to give her a playlist of songs that made her come to his mind when listening. she wanted to be in love. and she could feel spider's eyes burning on her skin but she never turned to meet his gaze. her words had confused everyone. they had seen the map. she was all for hookup culture, so what had changed? or did she always feel that way?

"learning to communicate with your sexual partners about what you want and desire is important. i know you might think it's embarrassing or even silly. but sex doesn't have to be painful, physically or emotionally. so let's try something this week, yeah? i want you to put in this box things you like.things you derive pleasure from. it can be whatever you want. just make sure it's honest. yeah? then next class we'll go through them and start to normalise expressing our wants and desires." she spoke, walking over to grab a wooden box she had by the door. bringing it to show the class what she had planned. and then the bell rang. spider raising from his seat, heading towards her in an instant. and she was up, and out. he didn't know how she did it, disappearing out of thin air. she was like trying to catch smoke with his bare hands. and she found herself sat on a bench beside darren as amerie groaned about picking up the rubbish on the floor.

"how is there this much rubbish in our school?" she cried, picking another piece as mara drank her bottle of dr pepper which had been in her bag all morning.

"oi, over there." darren pointed and ameire gave another groan as she went to pick up a packet of sweets. and as if synced her and darren threw more rubbish on the floor. she threw the now empty bottle in the opposite direction they had slung the gloves.

"you're making more of a mess." a girl spoke turning to watch them do it. darren and mara throwing each other an amused glance.

"shut the fuck up jenny." they sneered and she huffed before turning to mara.

"don't you have dick to go suck in the bathrooms?" mara added with a smirk, and the poor girl's face grew pale as she ran off. the look of horror on the girls face making the two giggle as quinni came over. dropping into the empty spot beside them.

"what's up? you're more darren than usual." quinni asked, holding the bin bag away from the table to make sure it didn't touch the two that would defiantly complain if it touched them.

"sorry, it's... i'm getting mixed signals from cash."

"sounds like it's going well." amerie added as she picked up mara's dr pepper bottle, flinging it at her head. only for the girl to catch it and shot it into the teal bin bag she carried.

"he hasn't made a move. okay we kissed and it was hot. except it should have been more and it wasn't."

"maybe he just wants to take things slow, is that so weird?"

"darren, babes. as cash's best friend i should warn you that's just cash, he's a lot more awkward then he lets of to be." mara told them as they nodded, she was his best friend and mara knew cash better then everyone. just like she knew he had no partial interest in sex or sexual related things but that was for cash to tell darren in his own time, when he was ready.

"you could ask him on a date!" qunni exclaimed in that same cute excited tone. her eyes lighting up. it wasn't the worst idea she had come up with, plus she knew cash would remember darren's date call.

" i just got a cold shiver up my spine." darren cried as they jumped from the table as if trying to shake the imaginary shiver off.

" yes to the date. take him to a park, with snacks. it's his favourite thing in the world."mara spoke as she leaned over the table completely. practically layinging down as her legs dangled in the air. swinging back and forth.

"mm alternatively you could just pull him into a classroom and force him to have sex with you." amerie added joking.

"yes, that option." darren practically moaned, causing quinni to burst into giggles as they did so.

"no! absolutely not!" mara cried.

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