one, twenty eight: got dirt on ya

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two new messages in bug brothers chat

spiderboy: mariannneeee

antsypantsy: are you walkin with us?

spiderschick: would rather be
caught dead

antsypantsy: shockin

and she smiled as she grabbed her clothes of the day. baggy jeans and a tight top. and before long she was grabbing her bike, stargirl interlude playing as she rode through town, taking the long way to school.

"-dating the most probbo person in our school." she heard amerie speak, mara finding the three sat on the steps outside the hall. lowering down the music as she walked over.

"who's dating the most probbo person in school?"


"what. you? and cash?" she whispered the last part and they nodded a small smile on their face. and she squealed for joy. running at them with her arms open,wrapping her arms around them and squeezing tightly.

"thank god. it's about time." she screamed before running off, on a mission to find cash. she knew he'd appreciate her support a lot more in person than over text because that's just the kinda person cash was. she heard the videos they played on their phones as she passed. the loop of malakai falling to the ground. reminding her she needed to talk to him. running up the stairs to find the latter of the boys talking to harper.

"i think i'd much rather forget it.'' malakai spoke and she halted to a stop, listening in to their conversation even if she knew she shouldn't.

"forget what?"

"about that... amerie can never find out." he added, his voice faltering as he grew nervous. almost scared. no. they did it. but he wasn't in the right mindset after the party. so when?

"agreed." harpe replied before turning to the stairs, walking down as amerie headed towards him. now this was some next level backstabbing shit.she had dirt on harper. and so she made a run for it, rushing down the stairs before harper saw her. not wanting to be caught too early. she got dirt on her name, finally. harper wanted to play the game, well it was mara's turn to join. did she tell amerie? should she hint it at darren and quinni? but then she found cash. bingo. the bell ringing as he dragged her towards the assembly hall. ms woods starting her speech but mara's mind was far from the hall. so malakai and harper, was dusty involved too?

"harper and malakai fucked." she spoke turning to look at cah during some random time during the assembly. the boy turned to look at her with wide eyes.

"fuck off." he exclaimed, he didn't really care about the dirt and drama of hartley but she did. and if she did, he was forced to hear it anyway.

"serious." she replied, looking over her shoulder to spider. caughting the boys' eye as he blew her a kiss. cash's face twisting in disgust.

"that's messed up." he replied runting to the assembly, something about picking up trash. but spider was messaging her about talking after the assembly. which she did, the second she left the door. dashing for the boy leaning against the wall with dusty. dusty rolling his eyes as spider immediately leaned down to press his lips to hers. listening to the boy explaining his sex dream to dusty.

"tigers have to earn those stripes." he told dusty as they walked, mara wasn't interested in the conversation because she knew a few details of the dream which were missing. like he wasn' really fucking a tiger but rather someone in a tiger themed outfit. guess he's into furries.

"i worry about you sometimes,bro. how on earth did you get a girlfriend?'' dusty replied, sending a confused look to the said girlfriend who walked hand in hand with the spider boy.

"his dashing good looks and funny personality." she replied, grinning back at dusty as spider smiled. mara motioning for the size of his cock as he looked away. causing dusty to chuckle and returning to talking to spider when a girl cut them off.

"hey." and she turned to find harper. watched as the smile fell from dusty's features. well shit. he had been involved.

"um hey, spider was just telling me he had this sex dream. about the tiger queen."

"yeah expect it was more like a human with tiger features."

"weirdly, it doesn't surprise me."

"hey spider, come on. i wanna tell you something.'' mara smiled, throwing a dirty look over her shoulder to harper before dragging the chuckling boy away. pressing his lips to hers the second he disappeared around the doors.

"spider." she spat irritated as she actually did want to talk to him and wasn't looking for a makeout sesh. but his lips were warm and tasted like the honey he had on his toast this morning.

"mara."he returned the gesture as he pressed the softest kisses down her neck. her hands grasping at his shirt.

"malakai, harper and dusty fucked." she quickly added as she felt the rush of red crawl onto her cheeks.

"and you know how? you can't throw allegations around like that marianne." he pulled back at her comment, staring straight at her with a dumb founded look. confused as to why she would even say that at this moment.

"i heard malakai talking to harper about it."


"also as i've told you that, it's time i tell you about something else." she spoke, a hand reaching to run through her hair. nervous.

"what?" he questioned softly, bringing his own hand to her face. running his fingers over her now warmed cheeks.

"i had an abor-'' she started, finally deciding it was time to tell him. she didn't know how his reaction would go so maybe an impulsive topic would be the best way but as she started dusty rounded the corner.

"come on spider." he shouted, motioning for the blonde to follow him, the blonde throwing an indecisive look to his girlfriend.

"tell me some other time alright babe." he stated, leaning to press his lips to hers once more before rushing off after being dusty. leaving her stood there with the words she wanted to say still sparked on her tongue.

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