one, twenty four: bust a lip

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"i haven't been able to sell it bro." this wasn't going to end well.

"what do you mean? a few unaipon's worth there mate."

"someone racked it!"

"did you get robbed?" chook uestioned, striaghtening his posture.

"i had it at nan's and i moved it becuase demons was patrolling, like you said, and i ut it on the roof at hartley but someone staunched it. i'll get it back for you, brother. fully dew here now for you."

"i want the rest, or else?" and she felt that hot burnt gaze on her legs. fucking brilliant. and she shiver, cashs fingers taping into her waist. and chook went to threaten the new kid. okay, mara didn't like the kid. but he was too young to be treated like this.

"chook stop it, there's no lemon. they didn't have any when i went in." she started in attemptto get him to stop and he hit her. hard. she crumbled to the floor grabbing her nose. and cash ran at him. protective instint icking in straight away. this time chook was fast, grabbing the boy by the neck.

"don't hit her bro."

"whose fault is that then, huh? first you lose my bag and then your little whore speaks out of line. ill curb stom the both of you right here. dont think that i won't." chook spat throwing cash away from him. cash leaned down to help her up. tears stung at her eyes, she couldn't cry infront of him. she refused to let herself cry in the presence of chook. and now cash knew why.

"are you okay?" she asked as he sat on his bike. she used her fingers to tilt his head up to look at her. his face was still a devoid of emotion. but the skin as going red where chook had hit him. arsehole. cash's eyes were blurry but it didn't stop them scanning her face. chook had hit her striaght on. blood trickled from her lip. that would be one nasty brusie to cover. he had cut her lip with the hit.

"i'm really sorry marianne." he cried softly, lifting his finngers to glide gently over the cut. watching her whince under his touch.

"i know." she mumbled softly, hugging him. his face buried in her side.

"can i stay over? or do you want to be alone?" she asked lightly as he pulled back.

"please stay over." he spoke, and she nodded. she was going to get them food from inside when cash stopped her.

"darren can't see us like this." cash didn't know that darren had seen chook hit her. they had already turned around when cash got hit.

"okay. we'll go to the corner sho instead." she whispered, pressing the lightlest kiss to his forehead as she got on the back of his bike. he drove them to the shop. ignoring the dirty looks as they zoomed past. she went in and got their usual order. the one boss man had alreadly buzzed in as she stepped in. a chery pepsi, an aero and salt and vinager pringles. that was mara's section. and for cash, a lemonade, a packet of skittles and a kitkat.

"gazza, i'm fine." she stated before he could even ask about the quickly bruising lip. he only nodded, finishing the sale and bagging it for her. when he slid a box of tramadol over for her.

"you're the best." she smiled, fist buming the elder men who grinned.

"i know." and she left the shop, a small smile on her face. even though it abslouley stung to do as such. and they went to cash's, nan was already asleep when they got in thank god. if she saw them like this they would never hear the end of it. she caed about them too much sometimes. mara was just as much her grandaughter as cash would. they watched mighty ducks on the tv in the front room, laid wraped up together watching it. cash knew the girl wasnt doing to well when she didn't comment on how much she used to fancy charlie when she was younger. she had cleaned her lip now, it was no longer really just bruised. it would need stitching but the look of the cut, but mara would never accept that.

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