one, thirty six: stuck in the mud

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and the group filled into the gym, no idea why they were instructed to be here as jojo played down cones. she found herself standing between darren and ant. cash had chosen not to stand with her. something was going on with him. and she knew he wouldn't tell her what.

"all arighty, thank you all for showing up today. hang on, we're missing dusty?"

"yeah, he's not coming."

"well i saw him this morning. he should be here. so we're going to be playing a game called stuck in the mud. you might be familiar with it. if you get tagged, you're stuck and you can't move again unless someone crawls between your legs and sets you free."

"miss, we're not five." mara spat as she stood, arms crossed over her chest.

"yeah, why?" sasha added to mara's comment.

"because why not? it could be fun. amerie you're it. if amerie manages to get you all stuck in five minutes, i think i'll give her, i don't know, twenty bucks." and the confused look on amerie’s face twisted into a smirk. she was going to get that twenty bucks.

"okay, laps. let's go." she spoke and yet no one moved. mara thanked the lord above that she had decided not to wear a dress or a skirt. thank god for her outfit choice of cargo pants and baggy sam fender top.

"miss, we're not dressed to sweat." at spoke as he reached out to grab mara's baggy top that seemed to swallow her.

"i don't care what you're dressed for. you're going to start running now. or you'll be running after school. your choice." and everyone seemed to fall into a pattern of running. mara shrugged off the baggy top to reveal a crop sports top, bless the bra choice she had today. everyone ran, running from amerie. the temperature in the hall quickly rose as the students ran. this was torture.

"okay new rule, anyone wearing a chequered shirt is now automatically stuck for the rest of the game." and malakai came to  halt as he stood still in place of the new rule.

"what the hell, you can't just change the rules." spider spat as he dodged amerie's advancement on him.

"actually, yeah i can. now anyone wearing blue is also stuck." mara liked this new style of jojo, she was mean. she loved it. everyone wearing blue came to a stop yet amerie still chased after mara.

"and anyone wearing a watch. that means you spencer."

"well. that's not fair."

"well. fairness is irrelevant. you're stuck in the mud or you're on double detention." and he finally stopped. mara feeling amerie touch on her hip, she too was stuck in the mud.

"alright amerie, good hustle. twenty dollars as promised." the girl grinning as she took the note for the older women.

"you can't make us play a game and then change the rules every ten seconds.'' was missy dumb? mara had figured out it was a metaphor straight away.miss obah was an english teacher afterall, they loved the ulterior motives and metaphors.

"right, so you all agreed to play the same game.. but someone, me, decides to change the rules. does that feel fair?" jojo asked the class who were trying to catch their breaths.

"no." ant spoke as he doubled over, heaving in breaths.

"but you still kept playing." she spoke and now sets of confused eyes increased.

"yeah, because you told us that we'd all get detention. and you promised amerie twenty bucks. it was rigged." spider spat once more, why was he so irritated by a game.

"so that brings us to the point of today's exercise. i want you to start thinking about this unfair power balance. about other times something like this might happen in life. a boyfriend who decides what their partner is allowed to-"

"yeha, here comes the man bashing."

"spider, shut the fuck up."

"no fuck you mara, you want to know what is unfair? that this entire school is out to get anyone with a pair of nuts between their legs."

"okay, that is completely untrue."

"so i get detention for looking the wrong way, but harper gets a pat on the back from public shitting on dusty people. you wonder why he doesn't rock up."

"hey, look around spencer. no one's feeling sorry for you or dusty, not even your own girlfriend. because you guys aren't the victims here and i really don't think you're convincing anyone that you are."

"fucking (blanked), man."

"spencer!" mara spat.

"sorry, what did you just say?"

"i said this is bullshit." he screamed, red crawling up his face.

"we're done." mara spoke, and he finally moved his eyes to the girl standing beside him. his mara. couldn't even look at him. as if he were a monster. and he lifted his hand to the necklace where the m rested on his chest before walking off. ant quickly running after him, most likely to beg the boy to apologise for his shitty actions


less than ten chapter, which are already written, to go.

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