one, forty three: sluts take over

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2:05 read on the clock, mara turning to throw a look over her shoulder to amerie and missy. it was go time. joining the two as they started packing up their things. following their footsteps as the crowd joined them, lifting inflatable dicks into the air and shouting, chanting in protest. mara snatching one of the dicks of someone. just so she could hit cash with it as he laughed, grimacing as pushing her away. finding spider and dust.

"how the tables have turned." mara laughed as she continued to hit spider in the face with the dick. dusty stifling a laugh as his friend turned to glare at him. darren heading into ms woods office for the distraction as everyone else awaited the top of the stairs. ms woods and her dept rushing outside for whatever bullshit darren came up with. the slts rushing into the room for the take over.

"block the front and back doors, make sure the windows are locked and get ready everyone." amerie ordered, pointing in directions for people to follow her orders. mara, spider and some boy she had slept with but didn't know the name of headed for the doors at the bottom of the stairs that ms woods had just went outside through. shutting the doors just as ms woods caught them shutting the doors. mara grabbed brooms to lock the doors in said spot.

"open this door right now miss darling!" she ordered running the door and trying to open it, yet it never budged as she did so. spider laughing as he wrapped his arm over mara's shoulder. leading her back into the office.

"sluts! sluts! sluts!" being chanted as everyone pretested. amerie heading for the mic that ms woods abused early every morning with her speeches about how it was going to be a good day.

"this is a protest. slts have officially taken over the admin building. over the resignation of miss obah. she's been unfairly targeted by administration and the school at large over recent defamatory allegations which were batshit by the way. we did not have sex. we demand that ms woods rejects her resignation and resistance miss obah to her former position as english teacher and slt class teacher."


"we will not leave the premise until she is officially reinstated."

"miss we swear it's for a good cause."

"get that inflatable penis out of my face."

"get your hands off my penis!"

"give me the penis darren!"

"you want war, i'll give you war. i'm calling your parents!" fuckkkkkkkkkk. not good. mara stopped rubbing the inflatable penis against the window and dragged both spider and ant into the actual office itself. spider pulling up his pants as they did.

"okay we have her attention. now what." darren asked as the rest of the main group lingered into that room.

"we wait till meets our demands." amerie replied. spider looking over his shoulder to mara who was already smiling at him. he was going to get her to actually talk to him. she was locked with him so he may as well and try and fix it. she couldn't tell if time was going really slowly as she sat at on the desk. watching amerie swing the penis back and forth. but every time she checked the clock a measly ten minutes had past. yet the protest was still in swing, people chanted and sprayed silly spray into the growing crowd of slt parents. she wondered if her mum was down there. she had only just fixed their relationship, this would throw cindy darling over the rails. and only now did they noticed the picked the wrong person to send out for food. crisps and lollies. then again, what did amerie expect with sending ant. mara found herself sat on a shitty plastic chair beside ant. her legs up on the desk as he scanned a packet of chicken flavoured crisps. getting crumbs everywhere. disgusting. she opted for a lolly, it was star shaped and a pretty dark blue. she must have had four lollies and a packet of salt and vinegar crisps only to check that it was five o'clock. time was so fucking slow. the protest excitement had died down but they still refused to leave. the performancism had died but the dedication remained. mara had moved to scan over the books miss woods had, handmaid's tale, sister outsider, the bell jar. women had taste.

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