one, eleven: why do you hate me?

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it was cold outside. she sat on ca$h's bike stealing the boys chips as darren appeared carrying bags.

"going well?" ca$h commented, their head snapping up to the two as mara elbowed him. darren mockingly laughing at him.

"very funny, it's like what am i even doing here." darren spoke as they threw the trash bags into the bin. mara remainder quiet choming on the chips. taking the cup from his hands every few chips for a sip.

"earning the big bucks."

"yeah my dad is making me start paying board like this is fucking monopoly."

"maybe he's broke brah. what's he do?"

"not enough." they spoke leaning against tge walls arching the two. they were cute, they reminded him of bear cubs that clung to eachother. no matter how hard people tried to pull them away.

"what's his place like?" ca$h spoke as mara hopped off the bike. wanting to put her rubbish in the bin.

"why you planning on robbing him sometime?"

"darren!" she cried, spinning on her heels. eyes tighten to glare at them.

"fuck off." ca$h spat, when the door dinged as someone left the back door.

"oi party in the back! clear off." the women spoke, lifting a bag for ca$h who also climbed off the bike. the deal was he would drive and she holds the food.

"i thought i told you to go home." she spoke glaring at darren who was leaning against the wall now. one leg propped up balancing themself.

"im just standing here." they replied not even bothering to look at the blonde women. bit instead seemed to be side eyeing mara. the vibes were off. they could tell. they could always tell something was up. they could tell from the droop and lack of gleam in her eyes. they noticed the bruise forming on her hand with a hole that looks like something was injected in the middle. rather odd.

"rack off." and mara and cash watched as the women went back inside as darren started to walk away. before they stopped, as if remembering something.

"are you going to dusty's party?" they asked, mara couldn't tell who they were talking too. because its seemed aimed to her yet their eyes flickered to the boys starting the bike. interesting. she couldn't help the little smile growing on her face, very interesting.

"yeah, we're going." she replied with the smile and the nodded. carrying on with their walk away as ca$h started it up, her free hand instantly wrapping around his chest, placing her head on tye boys back as she hugged the bag of food. he was dropping the food off and then taking her to the patry. she was only going to show her face, he could tell she didn't want to be out any longer then intended. the idea was go in, say hi to a few people. dance with darren and quinni when she got here. and go home. what wasn't on the list was being pestered by spider. which was happening right now. they were upstairs. cash was dealing at the bottom so she sat halfway up the stairs, she didn't like to be in the boys way. she didn't plan on spider jogging down the stairs after mary goode pushed past her.

"hiya gorgeous." he smiled as he dropped into the same step as her. she was quick to tuck the bruised hand to her side.

"fuck off spider." it felt weird. she sat next to the boy who's kid she just got rid of. no. not kid. barely human. a disease. god this was bad.

"why do you pretend to hate me?" he questioned pulling out his phone as it dinged. she ignored the stab as she saw the conversation with mary.

"i don't pretend to hate you. i do hate you." she spat back. bruised hand gripping at her clothes. she started to feel warm, sick. nervous?

"no you don't." he laughed, ticking a strand of her hair behind her ear. watching her freeze up almost immediately, he brushed his thumb along the girls cheek. she was cold. like plastic. like porcelain. only he could see as she started to crack and chip before him.

"can i kiss you?" he questioned, leaning hi face closer to hers. he didn't care if someone saw them. he was saying that as if they weren't sat on dusty's stairs at his party. she went to say no, she wouldn't be able to handle it. but he pressed his lips to the inner corner of her lips. barely grazing the lips. smiling as her breath caught between her teeth. and quinni ran past, a blur of colour at the speed she ran up the stairs. ans mara pulled back, leaving spider and ca$h at the stairs. slider pulling his eyesfrom tge gril chasing the other to the dealer at tge bottom at the stairs. the dealer who was glaring at him.

"i will kill you." and spider ran off too. leaving ca$h happily humming to himself again. vibing to the music before another customer came up. whilst mara joined quinni, darren and amerie in the bathroom. the girl was ranting about what had happened. it was about the date with sasha, somethings she was originally really excited about. darren wanted to stay with quinni. and they wanted them two to go enjoy themselves. the two walked in silence.

"do you hate me?"


"so why don't you like me?"

"it's not that i don't like you amerie. i'm jealous of you." the girl revealed before disappearing as her eyes landed on the fridge. fridge usually equals juice. and she would kill for some apple juice right now. ca$h eventually found her in the kitchen. she was sat on the counter facing the windows drinking apple juice from the carton. she pondered. what spider had said. what amerie said. maybe amerie did deserve better. and it reminded the girl of the words written under the desk. she had to tell her.

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