one, thirty seven: the fixture and fall of cash

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"you guys going t get costumes and stuff for tonight?" ant asked the boys sat beside him, he hadn't been able to get to mara after the sex ed problem.

"what's tonight?" dusty asked, turning to look at the boy with the beanie.

"amerie's thing. darren said it's going to be a dress up party or something." ant spoke, he didn't want to tell them he was excited about the costumes. he loved dressing up.

"nah, bro. costumes are lame."

"yeah definitely." ant mumbled turning away and looking back down at his phone, wanting to ask mara if she was alright. spider was acting more arsey than usual and he would guess it was because she broke up with him.

"this because of mara, bro?" dusty asked his friend, the blonde turned to glare at him. dusty's eyes flickered to his friend's chest. not in a gay way, but to them that still hung on the chain.

"are you going? spider asked his friend.

"not if she's going to be there."

"man i hope she is, i'd pay good money to see what psycho tits over there does next."

"oh shit, here comes the wife." dusty spat, elbowing spider lightly. his eyes lighting up. she came to apologise and get back together. but instead she stopped at cash who leaned against the door.

"are you mad at me?" she questioned and he looked up at her, for the first time in the past day.

"of course not, mar." he softly spoke, pocketing the phone.

"so why are you avoiding me like the black plague?" she fingered and his head dropped once more. guilt filling him.

"something happened with darren." he mumbled.

"yeha they told me. it's okay cash, it's not your fault." and he wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her into a hug. cash really liked darren, you didn't need glasses to see it. but he struggled with things like that, speaking the truth to people.

"you wanna ditch maths?" cash asked.

"would i ever say no." and she nodded, leaning in to press a kiss to his cheek before grabbing his hand. pulling him away.

"woah! what a whore!" spider whispered as he watched the whole idea.

"that's a pretty fucked up thing to say. especially about mara." malakai commented.

"relax man, it was just a joke." dusty tried to play it off but malakai clearly wasn't having it. he hated how people treated the girl. like she was some kind of scum, but he had talked to her. he was friends with her. he knew she wasn't like that. and hear those comments coming out of spider's mouth, about his own ex girlfriend. really pissed him off.

"i don't think it was that funny. i actually reckon you're a bit full of shit. and you wonder why she broke up with you."

"well fuck you too then."

"well fuck you too then." mara laughed as cash argued about not wanting to watch the maze runner.  she was sprawled on the bed, the duck cuddled up to her neck.

"please let's watch something else?" he practically cried and she laughed. finally giving up as he moved to the living room, grabbing a dvd fromann's collection and appearing back in his room.

"corpse bride? i love you."

"i know you do." he laughed as he too threw himself onto his bed. lying beside her as they watched corpse bride. getting nearly halfway through before her mind wandered to spider. he had deserved what he got. he was an arsehole, but she really did like him. sasha's snide comments about her had been right all along. she fell into the bi girl stereotype. a bisexual girl with a problematic boyfriend. misogyny. something that boiled her blood and this spider had known. would he apologise? would she forgive him? of course she would, she liked him. like liked him, could have possible strung to love but she was glad it didn't. they were opposites, he was the sun and she were the moon. she was destined for dark skies full of stars, possibilities. and he for day, alone in the blue sky.

"are you okay?" cash questioned, pulling her from her train of thought. he was looking at her with those soft knowing eyes.

"i'll be fine." she mumbled, eyes straining back to the screen. watching emily realise who killed her. did victor love emily? he loved victoria, but there was always a little something for emily. it felt familiar. but she couldn't quite figure this metaphor out.

"he was an arse anyways marianne." cash mumbled and he wrapped his arm around her, pulling her into a hug and she had to force herself from not crying. falling asleep as she listened to her best friend steady breathing.

darren hadn't expected to find a girl in a cash bed when they were invited in. they couldn't quite tell who it was as their hair fell over their face and she had her back to them.

"look, maybe we have completely different sex drives or whatever. we could work through that and i should have-" darren started but cash was quick to cut them off.

"oh, my days. i can't do this right now."

"it's never going to be a good time for you, is it?"

"yeah, and you only ever think about yourself, don't you?" and then came the hollar of the eshay's. no. not right not. not whilst darren was standing here, not whilst mara lay asleep in his bed.

"yo, winner, winner chicken dinner. looks like your winning to eh? finally got mara eh?" chook exclaimed as he looked into the room, darren's eyes falling onto the body of the girl once more. that watermelon scent. it was in fact marianne darling. almost as if she had heard his voice, she shot up from her slumber. eyes filled with fear. this darren also took a mental note of. she was scared of chook, but why? weren't they all mates.

"what's he doing here?" he asked, motioning for darren who still stood there staring blankly.

"they." she sneered but cash never made the move to defend darren.

"just a customer." and darren ran for it, having enough as they left. and mara quickly got up too.

"where do you think you're going, sugar tits?" chook spat as he ran after her, grabbing her wrist and pullign her back. darren stopped in their tracks on the path to watch the said interaction.

"get your dirty hands off me." she spat, trying not to let him get to her. she would love to punch the smug look on his face, maybe knock a bigger gap between the front teeth. but she was far too scared to hit him.

"you didn't say that last time." he smirked and she spat at his face. he gave a cry of disgust as he brought his hands to his face to wipe it. letting her go as she ran to darren.

incoming call from spider the dick

"mara, can we talk?" a boy's voice started as chook picked up the phone for cash and could grab it. the girl had left her phone on his bed.

"who the fuck is this?" chook spat.

"who are you?" this spider's voice came, he sounded hurt.

"chook." he sneered.

"is mara with you?"

"yeah she's here, we're busy. i'll leave a message."

ant who sat next to spider felt his own heart drop into his stomach, nevermind what his friend was feeling. so there was another. chook. that was the name ant remembered hearing in her sleep when she was drugged. something wasn't fitting into the story.

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