one, forty: suspiousions of few

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"what do you reckon eh?'' cash questioned as he joined the odd group who had formed at a tale, dropping onto the tale to lean against mara who sat on the edge. making sure her dress was taken over her knees. ant throwing her a shy smile as he bounced a ball on the ground.

"i mean it makes sense, jojo's a clit banger. she's always asking amerie to stay back after class." spider spoke, motioning a scissoring as he laughed, side glancing to his girlfriend. ex girlfriend only to find her already glaring at him.

"shut the fuck up spider." mara commented, ant motioned for her to play some all with him. seeing as she wore the dress she didn't fancy running around the court and shooting hoops so instead they opted for bouncing the ball back to one another. she wanted away from the conversation because it was starting to make her sick. the idea of her favourite teacher, the only memer of staff she had trusted to talk about her rape situation to, was a sex offender. it made her ill to the stomach.

"yeah to tidy up. not to get some trim, jesus. the whole things bullshit."

"why do you think the person who made the accusation wants to stay anonymous?"

"if someone's made this up, it's a messed up thing to do."

"my bets on spider, he is jacked in the head like.'' mara spat, throwing the ball at the boy's head, watching it bounce off and back to her. he turned to sneer at her, only to find ant high fiving her. something was different with his best friend and ex girlfriend, he didn't like the way ant looked at her.

"sounds like projection to me babes., but yeah nice one harps. really outdone yourself this time."

"just leave it man, at least slt's is cancelled."

"what an odd thing to add.'' mara replied and all eyes turned to her, she seemed to be throwing out the most. she was scared. obviously not because she made the call, she didn't. she was scared the crime committed against her would be brought to light. and that wanting to be sick feeling returned as spider started making comments as amerie passed them.

"aye, darling babes, you were quite close with her as well? she's been getting it on with you?" spider questioned and she brought her hand to her mouth, fast pacing away from them as she wanted to be sick. speeding over to the other side of the court only for three others to join her. cash, quinni and darren.

'you okay?' quinni motioned with her hands, her headphones still over her head. she still wasn't talking, mara motioning back she was okay. she was not.

"mara, when are you going to open this?" cash added as he kneeled in front of her. her back scraped against the brick wall. she hadn't even noticed she had sunk to the floor.

"i was raped." she revealed, quinni's face falling as did darren's. cash's remained the same, having been told before but he still reached out to hold her hand.

"by miss-" darren started, their eyes going wide as their mouths dropped.

"no, by chook." she whispered, bowing her head as she could feel spider's eyes on her from across the quad.

"he's the one who hit you, at the diner. your friend." darren remembered, mara nodded as they then looked at cash, their eyes burned rage as he too nodded.

"and your still friends with him!" they cried, slapping his head as they wrapped their hand around mara's arm, pulling her away from the boy at the news. leaving cash stood defeated. darren was right, of course.

"i'm literally shaking." darren informed the two girls as they walked in a solemn silence. mara didn't know what to say, her mind only replied miss obah figuring out the assault. and quinni was non-verbal at the moment. one of her arms wrapped around darrens as they looped arms and her hand was locked in mara's. she had reached out to grab the pretty girl's hand after they walked away from cash, and mara hadn't made the movement to let go so they held hands.

"hey quinni, wait!" they heard sasha shout, quinni's face twisted as she scrambled away from her two friends and inside. away from them. both darren and mara stopping as sasha continued walking up to them.

"is she still angry about the fight?" sasha questioned, mara taking a step forward ready to cuss her out when darren's hand hit her chest. stopping her.

"she's not talking." they informed her.

"to me?"

"to anyone, she's non-verbal. just give her some space.'' darren spoke softly, mara would not.

"or a better idea, leave the fucking girl alone. haven't you done enough?" mara spat through her teeth, practically snaring at the pink haired girl who took a harsh step back as mara stood forward. knocking darren's hand of her chest.


"like who the fuck do you honestly think you are? the performancism is vile, get a grip sasha." mara finished, grabbing darren's hand before rushing off in the direction quinni disappeared in. leaving sasha stood in silence. shock. mara was known for outbursts. yet she never expected that.

she stared at amerie in disgust, the girl was pure scoffing the chips into her mouth. stress eating. mara got up to get some more sauce as they sat in silence.

"jojo doesn't deserve this." she cried as mara walked back over with the tomato sauce, amerie snatching it before she could even sit down. smothering it over her chips.

"neither of you do. i did not think harper would go this far."

"i don't think it's harper."

"nah it's her, she's lower than a snake's arsehole."

"this has a boy written all over it."

"none at school believes it right?"

"no, of course not." quinni threw a knowing look to darren.

"i'd rather hear it from you then some dickhead in the quad tomorrow."

"it's just the usual gossip course. half the stuff they are saying is so out there, it's practically fantasy."

"minus the rumour rampage have been correct the last few times. harper, dusty and malakai. someone getting an std, me and- okay i'll shut up."

"you scissored in the science lab, used a glue stick as a strap n and your safe word is cat-flap. oh an martelle you finger banged behind the vaulting horse but we all know that's because she has a gymnastics fetish."

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