one, twenty six: through her blurry vision

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"hey, gorgeous. do you need a drink?" a voice ashed as she fell to the floor, her knees going weak as she tried to stumble to the bathroom. it was one of cash's friends. she only hummed in response, the boy pulling a bottle of water from her back. helping her take a swig, a metallic taste burning her tongue. she watched as he pulled the bottle back, cloudly. and a white sediment lingered at the bottle. she had no idea what she had just drank. but it didn't take genius to figure it was not water. she should have known not trust those boys cash called his mates, but she had needed water. and couldn't think straight.

"it's okay darling, chook. is on the way." he grinned, everything was spinning. he turned his back for a moment to go piss and she helped herself up. ignoring the burn of her muscles as she ran into the crowd. soon forgetting the interaction as she found spider and ant holding one another as ant gagged.

and not too soon after her and spider were leading ant outside, as if he were their child. he had drunk a little too much and couldn't see straight. helping the two onto the pavement, gently kissing his forehead. before rushing off to ask amerie how her makeout with malakai went, the two's new friendship was strange and impulsive but she rather liked amerie.

malakai was sloshing over begging to get with amerie as she came over. he was desperate as she laughed.

"you really want an answer right now?" amerie questioned, mara jumping between the two.

"please for the love of god say yes. you don't know what it's like to be stuck between longing glances.'' she smiled, hugging the two, trying to convince them to date. officially.

"don't you and spider through longing glances at each other?" malakai giggled causing the two girls to laugh.

"we do not." they did.

"but touche."

"party's over! it's time to move on! clear the streets." the cop shouted, trying to round the kids up and out of the area. everything she could see was blurry. the mix of whatever pills cash had given her. or the drink from that boy.

"the party poopers have come to poop on our party." malakai giggled as he walked. somehow amerie and mara ended up holding his hands, trying to lead him out of the area. he was royally pissed and high.

"time to go champ."

"come on mal." mar laughed trying to drag him along.

"get going."

"good night, officer. no crimes on the street, ey?" and the two girls tried to continue to drag him along when he was grabbed and body slammed to the ground.

"malakai" the hartley students cried rushing to the scene. sider, ant and dusty who sat on the curb were up in seconds. when the spider realised that look in mara's eyes. she was going to do something she regretted.

"mara no!" he shouted sprinting over to her but it was too late because she had punched the officer in attempt to get him off malakai. only for him to throw her to the ground. she grunt as she hit the ground beside malakai. the office grabbing her wrists as she went limp. ant and spider rushing over. the officer got distracted by amerie who was screaming for him to leave the two alone. spider quickly scooped the girl into his arms as ant grabbed malakai. he was glad that he could bench a ton which allowed him to carry the girl with ease as if she weighs nothing. malakai started to run off as she now ran alongside spider as they all chased after him.

"shouldn't have sworn at him." spider spat as amerie and malakai continued arguing at each other.

"shut the fuck up spider." everyone shouted and mara removed herself from his touch.

"fuck off! get away from me. get away from me.!"

"i'll delete it. i'm sorry."

"just get out of my life. fuck off. i wanna be alone." and he ran off again. mara ignored the pain of her lip. and amerie let him go, even though she shouldn't have. but clearly she had accepted she had done wrong and turned to leave.

"amerie." mara whispered. rushing after the girl.

"mara. what the fuck!" spider spat as she ran after amerie. he went to follow when ant grabbed his hand.

"best not." he told him and spider screamed in anger. punching the post beside him. why did he fuck everything up. why couldn't he just be normal. for fuck sake. but she came to a halt, struggling to stay balanced. the boys watching as she crumbled to her knees. running over to her straight away.

"mara, what the fuck." ant spoke, sobering up almost instantly. she was speaking, but nothing was coming out. just a blur of words and crying. her eyes more bloodshot then should be and her lips had gone purple, skin turning clammy.

"mara?" spider questioned softly, holding her face in his hands. she looked a mess, almost ill looking. she had grown pale to the lips there came a voidness about her eyes. pale, shaken and half fainting the girl lay in his arms. breaths weezey as she tried to talk.

"shes been drugged." ant mumbled, remembering watching a an ad of spiking while scrolling on instagram. spiders face twisted from panic to horror.

"what do we do!"

"take her back to yours. my mum would kill me if i brought a drugged girl home."ant cried and spider nodded. motioning for the boy to help him. looping her arms over their shoulders. one of spiders arms wrapping around her waist as ant made sure her arm stayed around spiders neck as they walked her back to spiders. stopping occasionally to let her vomit. but before long, her blurred vision went dark as she slurred out spider's name. and so she fell into a void of nothing as two boys dragged a drugged girl through empty streets.


okay, let's talk about this. being drugged is a very serious topic, in no way am i trying to out anything under me. as someone who has been drugged and tried to have the advantage taken out of me, malakai is a victim. and not only is harper fucked up, but as is dusty. i have recently been aware that a lot of people tried to pin malakai's assaults on harper when dusty was involded as well. it ticked me off that he tries to act as if he wasn't involded too. the victim becoming the assulter is not the pipeline any character to be given,not even harper. but still fuck her, i hate her character as i do hate dustys.

asid from this, hope you all have a wonderful rest of the day/night. also would like to wish you all a merry christmas, if you do not celebrate christmas. i wish you a happy new year and wish you all well for the upcoming new year.

love emma <3

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