one, thirty eight: boyfriend's best friend

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"are you okay?" darren softly asked her, and she turned to look at them as they walked in silence.

"i wish people would stop asking me that." she returned as her answer, darren nodded. she was right, it was one of most popular questions to be spoken to marianne darling since the map had turned up. if you had told darren at the start of term that they would befriend mara 'the slut' darling, they would have laughed in your face. but here they were, reaching out to hold her hand as they walked together.

"what's your costume for tonight?" mara asked darren as they mindlessly walked down streets.

"broken angel." darren replied grinning at the situation and she giggled at the same time, amerie party couldn't have come at a better time. she had broken up with spider, possibly lost a friendship with her best friend.

"i love that." she laughed.

"and yours?"

"i'm not sure, maybe something demon related. that or vampire ex girlfriend." she added and now it was darren's turn to chuckle as she too added a dig at herself for the moment.

"could do killer bride, fits your aesthetic. so camp."

"i could!" she exclaimed, the lightbulb above her head seemed to flicker slightly.

"i am completely, utterly, spiritually and hormonally done with cash. he's an arsehole.'' she heard that familiar voice of darren speak as she wandered through the house of people in costumes, looking for them. hoping not to bump into spider, nor cash even though he wouldn't be here. better safe than sorry.

"yeah well tell me about it." she laughed, finding the pair sitting on amerie's sofa. taking shots of whatever concoction amerie was whisking up in those bottles.

"mara? look at you!" amerie exclaimed, jumping up to pass her a bottle. some kind of vodka, watery and cheap most likely. but as usually amerie was right, she wore an outfit that resembled a bride. or a prom queen. it was a white dress that seemed to glide with every move she made. it was utterly beautiful and crisp clean, giving the red splattered blood a dark appeal. arm length white gloves to match, she resembled jennifer check in the pool scene.

"bit early to see you in a white dress mara eh?" fucking fantastic, turning to find spider stood there. slicked back hair and fangs. vampire. because he liked sucking the life out of the fun? or cause he was a little basic cunt?

"shove it spider." she barely replies rolling her eyes before turning to find ant, he was cute. he wore a skeleton costume, his face was painted. simple but cute.

"what he's trying to say is you look beautiful." ant added with a grin and she felt warmth rising to her cheeks as she smiled. pushing his shoulder slightly. as he laughed at her reaction. spider's face twisted at the pairs interaction, he hadn't known they were friends before he disappeared back into the crowd of ever growing people. he needed a drink after seeing her smile at ant, the same way she smiled at him.

"god i need a drink.'' mara cried, spinning on her heel and heading in a random direction. hoping to find the kitchen as she went. finding malakai chugging a beer in the kitchen as she found the whiskey, pouring random amounts into a cup before sipping it straight.

"you too?" malakai questioned, only returned with a gruff response from marianne as she downed another cup. losing count after about the eleventh. feeling the room start to spin after some time. the sky outside turning darker as she found herself dancing as i touch myself by the divinyls started playing.

"are you having fun?" she heard ant speak, turning to find the boy standing there with a bottle of beer.

"antsy pantsy, come dance with me." she laughed, pulling his arm slightly. the music was ringing in her ears, the blurs of people were starting to hurt her head as she felt the hands grab her hips. feeling ant's warm breath against her ear as they danced in a way ant shouldn't be dancing with his best friends, someone he likes, ex girlfriend, someone he also was starting to fall for. not like he could tell spider because her and spider were made for one another. it wasn't showing at the moment but she made spider a better person. but right now, in this moment, it was ant and mara, the sun and the moon. maybe it was the loud music, or the talking of people. the stench of smoke and bitter taste of beer. but she found herself turning to look at him. his hands still rested upon her hips as her own hand lifted to his face. he still wore that pretty smile that reached his eyes. he knew he shouldn't, but he couldn't help but let himself lean in. he knew spider was out in the garden trying to chat up some blonde in her cheerleader uniform. she knew she shouldn't but the ant was so different to the spider. he was soft. she didn't melt into his touch as she did with the spider, instead he melted to her. hands holding her ever so tightly yet as gentle as could be. she couldn't even find herself caring about the boy's black and white makeup smudging on her own face as she kissed him. before quickly pulling back, horror drawn on her face.

"you're not him." ant's face fell, spider.

"mara, ant. where's amerie?'' harper questioned and the two seemed to jump back as if they were suddenly magnets repelling the other.

"she's with dusty." ant whispered, bringing a hand to rub his hand to his neck. his cheeks radiating warmth.

"yeha, her room.'' mara nodded, harper looking between them. were they really trying to pretend like their tongues weren't down each other's throats moments before? wasn't she with spider, ant's best friend? but harper nodded, reaching for the cake left on the side before disappearing. the interaction was daunting on her, what had she done. harper was fucking physcho and she just sent her in the direction of her ex bestfriend and boyfriend.

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