one, fourteen: names under tables

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no, you don't mean nothing at all to me.
but you got what it takes to set me free.
oh, you could mean everything to me.

blasted through her headphones as she walked through the halls of school, another day another round of cold stares and giggles as she passed. something felt odd today, different. she wasn't even wearing anything that bad like usual, she wasn't feeling so girl boss this morning. so she didn't feel the need to dress up herself, for herself. she wore sweats, baggy ones. definitely ca$h's. and a baggy top, merch from one of her favourite streamers. until it clicked, the party. spider's 'confession' of love to her.

"oi marianne can we talk?" spider shouted from down the corridor. she turned to look at the blonde. his bag slung over one shoulder. eyes still darkish, hair messy. fuckkk. and she bucked in for the bathroom.

"mara!" he shouted, rushing after her. she didn't know what her plan was yet. hide in the bathroom till he went away. in fact she didn't even know why she was running from him. she liked him. like really liked him. and just last night he revealed he liked her. guilt. she was guilty. plus he embrassed her. nothing new. she was heading for the toilets on the first floor. heading up the stairs case when an arm reached out to grab her. pulling her into a classroom. and she watched as spider ran past and towards the toilet. only to find a bald haired freak with a bruised nose standing behind her. for fuck sake.

"can this day get any worse." she mumbled to herself. still trying to get her breath. really unfit.

"so you're pregnant." the girl blurted out and mara's eyes went wide. ah. yes. that.

"no me and cash just went on a date to the abortion clinic, had a picnic in an operation room." the girl replied with a smile on her face as she reached for the door again. going to turn the handle and disappear when those words spit from the girls mouth.

"i'll tell them."

"what that the dirty little whore of hartley was knocked up. cause guess what petal, i don't think they'd be surprised." she spat standing slightly taller, don't break. again. not here in school, not in front of her.

"you're disgusting."

"i know! im disgusting, a whore, a slag. a girl who sleeps with people to fill the void of fucking loneliness. i gave dusty a hand job so he'd acknowledge me in the halls, i sleep with cash for drugs. did you know that i apparently got fucked by 3 people at once. none of it is true!" and the girl was gone, harper felt almost bad for the girl with tear filled eyes. oh. oh wait. no she didn't. she's a bitch.

why was this happening to her? she was strong, she didn't cry in school. she didn't hang her head at she passed amused glances. this wasn't her. she was a literal legend. the girl who twisted ca$h's jaw when they first met. the girl who fucked anyone and everyone she wanted. when she wanted. all this just because she liked a boy.

"amerie. i should have told you." she heard quinnis voice and she spun on her heel into that room. amerie and darren laid under the table. quinni sat on another.

"i almost did." mara spoke appearing in the doorway, quinni on her feet rushing to the girl immediately. hugging the girl tightly.

"look at all the fresh little sluts up in here surprised you're not here darling, turned over a new leaf?" darren spoke with an amused glance looking at the girl who looked like shit.

"go fuck yourself darren." she smiled back as she dropped her bag onto the table. resting her phone face down, ignoring the tidal wave of messages a certain bug boy was sending her. good god he needed a life.

"who do you thinks doing all this?" quinni asked, mara wondered. this had spider written all over it. quite literally, his name was linked to four girls already. and not one were her. again.

"it doesn't matter who's doing it. that stupid freaking map ruined my life." amerie cried, still laid looking up at the map.

"that's rich." mara spat playfully earning a slight groan from the girl on the ground.

"die. i hate there's a version 2.0." she gave a small glare to the girl in sweats before returning to the writings under the table. when quinni jumped up, a happy little smile on her face as she grabbed a pen. wiggling her way between amerie and darren, so naturally mara had to get a peek too. kneeling behind them looking up under the table. it was true. the names were written here. alongside a mountain of chewy stuck there too, obviously. the three watched as quinni wrote her and sasha name in a heart.

"sorry, what?" darren spoke.

"holy fuck no way." followed by mara.

"were in a relationship. obviously." she grinned. looking at her friends to see there reaction to the news.

"after hooking up once, that's so textbook lesbian of you."

"oh my, that's so cute. wish i had you're luck quinni." mara smiled. hugging the girl from behind. the four still remained in the floor. she hoped someone wouldn't come in and find them like this. would be a tad bit embrassing.

"well i am never ending up on that map again, romance is dead to me." amerie moaned, pulling herself from under the table to sit back on it.

"don't say that rie, i can think of two boys that would drop everything for you. in a second."

"two? really? doesn't matter anyways. i was obsessed with dusty for like a bajllion years. and for what i just ended up completely humiliated. im an idiot."

"okay so idiot is, um ableist language."

"babes not the time."

"yeah, amerire. what's the alternative stitch up your mutt?"

"that's vile."

"yeah basically. i don't even want to think about boys, or sex, or ducks for the next... however long it takes me to feel normal again. im not even gonna mazz."

"ew, that sounds like my worst nightmare."

"well, how does someone not think about sex?"

"i don't know. ill just train myself." and mara leaped from the table, moving to stand directly infront of amerie. and she slapped her. she didn't know why. just one of those lol moments. but the girls eyes light up. almost like a lightbulb.

"that's it. every time i get a sexy thought, i'll slap myself in the face."

"i can bet you twenty dollars you can't last until the end of the day."

"oh you're on like donkey kong." amerie grinned shaking the girls hand softly. mara had this in the bag.

"shit i gotta get to english. essay on indifference of man. jekyll and hyde." mara cried checking her phone. before rushing out the room. leaving the three to talk about how to distract amerie from sex.

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