one, twelve: it just happened

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she pondered this action for a moment, should she actually tell amerie. she took a finally swing of the drink as people started to cram into dustys living room.

"hello. thank you all for coming out tonight. we're supporting the global women's project." she quickly spilt her way through the crowd. growning tired quickly. good god she was unfit. dustys comment made her want to throw up, it wasn't necessarily any thing bad but it was reason he was saying it. he wasn't saying it because he actually supported it, he was saying it for the likes, the batted eyelashes and flirty smiles.

"anyway, we are renaissance titties. and i just wanna give a shout out to someone special on the audience-" dusty stated again. no. he wouldn't. surely not.

"hey harper. this song is for harper mclean" the group all turned to look at the girl who was unimpressed. spider gave a war cry like scream before throwing a can on the ground. he was pissfaced drunk.

"i just wanna say too. mara-" spider spoke smiling in the bright lights as he looked down at her. she had finally reached amerie at this point. the second he said her name everything went dead silent.

"mara darling? where are you babes?" no. she wanted the ground to swallow her up whole, wanted to disappear intonthe crowd of people as he finally spotted her.

"i think im in love with you. best pussy ever. got nice tits too." and the pin dropped. and the music started drowning out the laughter as everyone laughed at her. again. amerie looked at mara then back to harper. and amerie bucked for harper. and mara after them both. she stopped at the door as the two went on. far enough to stay out of the conversion but close enough to hear it.

"oi harper! harper what the fuck." amerire screamed after the bald girl.

"i didn't know he was going to do that."

"so you hooked up with him?" the girls shoulders visible dropped. betrayal.

"the boy i've been in love with for almost five years. the boy i literally never stopped talking about? is that what all this is about?" that's a bid odd not going to lie

"no. it's not. it's really not. look i didn't even wanna hookup wth him." and mara snatched the can of beer from malakais hand, chugging the rest of it before storming up to the two girls. for good luck i guess.

"but you did." she spat stopping before harper. the bloodied looked her up and down before giving a smirk. mocking her.

"it just happened."

"like this 'just happened'?" the girl smiled, harper's face growning confused as the girl quoted her before the fist hit her nose.

"what the fuck was that for? i saw you earlier by the way, at the clin-" the girl cried before she grinned, holding a hand to her nose. remembered how she caught the girl leaving the abortion clinic along with ca$h. not like the two had saw her. blackmail.

"that was for amerie." mara swung again before the girl could finish her threat.

"that was also for amerie." and she punched the girl's stomach. watching as she doubled over. clutching her stomach.

"and that was for trying to intimate me you bald freak."

"naw fuck this." the baldie cried, pulling away from the two. tears stinging her eyes, from the hurt, from the embarrassment.

"are you done? are you done fucking with my life?" amerie shouted after harper as she quickly walked away. holding a now bloody nose in one hand and clutching her stomach with the other. and amerie turned to look at mara, who's arms now rested at her sides. a bruised hand, but not from a punch. yet the girls face was a devoid. empty.

"what the fuck?" amerie grinned, she was hammered too.

"she deserved it." and before mara could even react amerie leaped at the girl. wrapping her arms around her shoulders. hugging her. she didn't know what to do. hug her back. push her off and run. bur she couldn't help but smile lightly, she was glad she did that. clearly amerie needed someone to do something. and she pulled back, the girl smiling and saying bye before bucking it away. malakai came rushing over.

"is she okay?"

"just go to her." he smiled, nodded and quickly followed after amerie. she wanted to go home. quickly pulled out her phoned, sending a message to cash and she was pushing her way back through the party to the front door. when the hand grabbed her wrist, looking back to see cash. his face was empty, slightly pale. no.

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