one, four: the genital crabs

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this day had gone from worse to horrific. sitting in this class trapped being forced to be learn about sex. sure she had slept with almost half of the room but that wasn't exactly important now was it.

"now that's enough everyone. this class will go back to the basics on sex." jojo explained as spider climbed down from the table. straight into ant's lap who was grinning ear to ear at his friends performance.

"because clearly you all have a lot to learn." ms woods cut her off again.

"it'll happen twice a week, in your own time. until we can tell that you've started to respect each other and yourself." the women informed, the tidal wave of groans going through the group. throwing a look to mara who seemed to shrink even smaller under her teachers comments.

"you have to attend every class, or it will go on your permanent records." she warned, eyes flickering back to the class. but spider had noticed that look. he noticed the hand drop to her thigh. watched as she tapped a familiar pattern. tapping each one of her fingers against the jeans she wore.

"wait, we have permanent records?" ant asked confused and he was met by a few laughs and snorts around him. he sat confused, he hadn't even said anything funny. he was genuinely asking a question.

"this is sex jail!" missy added as she dramatically fell against the table. her friends laughing at her actions.

"thanks a lot map bitch." could be heard and she watched as a piece of paper hit the back of amerie's head. there was a moment of silence before a boy in the front raised his hand. even though she could only see the back of his head. he didn't seem familiar. like at all.

"uh. im sorry. it's actually my first day. i don't think im supposed to be here." he spoke, a unfamiliar voice. holy shit. he was the one mentioned in the calling of names. malakai mitchell. nope. still didn't ring a bell.

"legend! made it to the map before you've even started." spider laughed, the boy turning around to look at where the comment had come from. only for his eyes to fund hers, and he smiled.

"holy shit. it was mara!" dusty exclaimed noticing the smile malakai gave the girl. in reality it wasn't true. he just thought she was pretty and he heard her defend her friend earlier.

"unsurprising! she's fucked everyone." spider snorted. you would know dickhead. she thought as he frowned, turning back to face the front. malakais attempt of surrender went ignored by the teachers as they ushered them to stand. being ordered to push the tables around to create a space in the middle of the classroom.

"now i want you to all start walking around the room. come on!" ms woods ordered and as if they were like sheep they begun walking. random steps in all directions. all at once.

"now i want you to choose three other people to start shaking hands." she spoke again and they followed. spider came straight for her, sticking his hand out with that stupid cocky grin on his face. yet she only turned and shook ca$h's. watching spider's face fall at the interaction. before turning to shake his mates hands. she shook hands with both quinni and darren after that. them being the safest option in the class.

"okay, spencer. you gave genital crabs." ms woods informed him and she practically snorted at the disgusted look on his face.

"sounds about right." she mumbled and even ca$h laughed with her. only to be returned with a glare from spider.

"not in real life!" she exclaimed.

"are we really sure though?" mara added again.

"put your hand up spencer. hand up spencer. now who shook hands with spencer. and who shook hands with them." spencer eventually raised his hand. soon to be followed by ant and dusty who raised their hands for shaking hands with spider. and it continued till everyone had there hand up. expect one. amerie. map bitch.

"you all have genital warts." and someone clapped as some kind of joke as everyone began to lower their hands.

"i thought it was crabs?" malakai questioned as he lowered his hand.

"right, crabs. thank you." ms woods replied only to fall short on the boys name.

"malakai." he spoke and she nodded.

"you all have gential crabs! expect for your amerie. well done " she repeated, and the class grimaced. they got the point. it didn't have to be repeated. she almost laughed at ms woods statement of amerie. it's not she didn't want to shake people's hands. they didn't want to shake with the map bitch.

"and what have you all learnt?"

"stay away from spider cause he's riddled with std's?" mara added with grin inly to earn a smirk from spider and a disappointed head shake from the teachers. ca$h fist bumping her for the comment. interaction once again did not go unnoticed by spencer.

"fuck off." he smiled, teeth bared slightly.

"bite me." she returned the favour of acts earning a giggle from quinni.

"condoms." the head master exclaimed breaking the two up. only for them to glance at each other again. oh. and the bell rang. hearing dusty ask amerie about the link between their names.

"like destined. destined to be." spider added patting his friends shoulder as if congratulating him. yet his eyes looked elsewhere. watching mara as she laughed at something ca$h said about something. before being motioned to join darren and quinni. eventually passing ca$h who stopped by harper at her locker. odd.

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