one, sixteen: oh hypothetically

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"okay let's spilt up into our designated groups and work through the consent exercises." jojo spoke and the as usual the course of groans passed through them. she hated this part. cash patted her back as he passed, a sign of good luck as the rest of her group joined together on the middle table. dusty, ant, missy, spider, amerie, and malakai. in that order. she grabbed her seat, dragging it across the floor to sit opposite spider. the only available seat left. he gave her a smile, but so did ant. something that didn't go unnoticed by the spider boy.

"heard there was a big mess at your house after the party." malakai soke trying to start a conversion between the group.

"yeah, it was an insane night. like, someone, stole my dad's car." dusty replied and her nails almost pierced through the skin of her wrist as she gripped it.

"and crashed it into a shop off heeley street." he added but her brain inky caught on one of the words. crash. CRASH. they had crashed the car until the store. those dickheads.

"love to know the arsehole who did it." spider noticed the slight twinge of her nose. he used to find it cute, reminding him of a cute fluffy bunny. until he found out what the bunny nose like twitch meant with the girl. guilty or she was lying. intreseting.

"scenario: sam and molly have been together for a few months in private, sam seems to be only interested in having sex with her whilst molly wants more. but she accepts to be treated like a hookup because..." amerie questions reading the paper in front of her. heads snap up to look at her. the situation seemed awfully familiar. awfully.

"maybe this is one side of the story. what about how sam's sees it?" spider added, crossing his arms as amerie began writing it down.

"nah mate it sounds exactly like it's written. sam's an arsehole and molly doesn't realise she's fallen for the wrong guy." mara quickly added, as she swung her feet onto the table. leaning the chair back onto it's two back legs.

"or they're perfect for each other and everyone but themselves see it." dusty spat. are they really that dumb.

"preach." missy added.

"what if maybe he's also in love with amelia, another girl he supposedly hates." mara added with a smile as she now twirled a pencil around her thumb abd index finger. watching as the groups grew confused. everyone but spider who's face fell momentarily.

"maybe at the end of the day he would still choose molly." spider comment.

"yeah maybe sam's likes her back but he's scared of the idea of love. maybe he has a lack of love from his partners that affects that part of his brain." ant exclaimed, practically slamming his hands on the table to get the two to stop bickering.

"ant." spider cried.

"sam's in love with molly. molly is in love with sam but they can't seemed to link due to complications they need to mend together." ant carried on. his face was kinda red.

"are you two really this dense?" amerie questioned looking between the two. the tension at the table was so thick right now it couldn't even be cut by a knife. maras hands were scrunched up and going white and spider's shoulder were so tight it looked like he was about to take off. infact it looked like they were going to dive at one another for the battle to the death. or just aggressively make out.

"mara-" spider started and that's all it took for the girl. her chair scrapped as she stood up. grabbing her bag and phone before practically scrambling from the room. jojo shouting for her back as spider just stared at the empty spot she sat in. when a hand reached outto grab his. he looked up. meeting the soft brown faze of his best friend. ant.

"go after her spider." he mumbled softly, there was a twinge of pain on his face. his eyes were soft yet the smile had never seemed so fake.

"for fuck sake ask her out already man." dusty laughed. and spider nodded. not even bothering to get his bag as he disappeared through the door as well. he could smell the faint watermelon scent but not which way she went. so what does he do? he runs. no he sprints around the school looking for her. he needed to find her. he couldn't take it anymore. he had to tell her.

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also thank you so much for 51k views, that's insane!!! ALSO WE'RE FIRST IN THE TAG OF SPIDER, SPENCER WHITE AND HEARTBREAK HIGH. WE'RE GOING MADDD!!! love you all, big hugs and kisses <3

em :)

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