one, thirty five: rumour has it

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"okay, so we've got a trashed classroom. four boys in detention, public shaming involving a threesome and a very concerning relationship. all slt kids. gosh i thought maybe i'd see, i don't know, an improvement in their behaviour.'' ms woods spoke as she sat back in her chair, looking at the women before her. she had failed her.

"come on, it hasn't even been two months since the map. they're getting better.'' she tried to resonate with the headteacher.

"okay, well, i asked you to lead the class and you promised me you were up to it."

"i am."

"so maybe you need to reconsider your current approach jojo." she told the women, watching as her head bowed slightly.

"it is working, slowly." she added, looking back up. like a lightbulb went off in her head, her eyes lit up.

"until i see proof-"

"marianna darling."

"that's one student.'' ms woods sighed, she hated to admit that jojo was right. she had seen the improvement in the girl, she was talking to more people. opening up as a person, people started to see her as a person and not a toy.

"one student who needs help. she needs this class. it's serious." she informed, even though she had promised not to the extent the statement mara had made, it was serious. she knew that there was something more serious bubbling underneath.

"is there something you're not telling me concerning miss darling, jojo?" and the said miss darling stood in the corridor with her friends. darren was telling them about the lack of interaction from cash. which reminded her of the lack of her calls he was answering. he was distancing himself. when they noticed harper strutting through the corridor, everyone silenced as she did.

"whoa, half the school thinks she's an untouchable icon." quinni commented.

"and the other half think she's a batshit banshee." darren added.

"and i am not wasting another brain cell thinking about her."

"woah, so how many is left up there? one." mara added and quinni giggled as amerie turned to her with an offended look. yet her face still spilt into a grin.

"shut the fuck up." she chuckled, elbowing the girl lightly as they watched harper disappear down the corridor.

"anyways, what did you call it? when toxic itches enter their flop era. minus she's just a straight up flop." and amerie choked on her own laugh. she wanted to disagree, that girl was once her friend. but it was true. mara and harper had truly flipped. it used to be mara that people hated, that people slagged off. it still happened but not nearly as much as it used too.

and malakai appeared in the hallway, her face fell as she stepped out to look at him. amerie stared at her now ex boyfriend, he wore his hood up. and had some gloominess around him. must be in his emo era.

"let's go, forget about the threesome boy." darren spoke, pulling her slightly to follow them down the corridor.

"you should go talk to him." mara spoke as she pulled amerie into a hug from behind, motioning her to join them.

"not taking advice from a girl who's down bad for spider." amerie laughed as she reached out to grab mara's hand, pulling her along with the rest of them as they appeared on the balcony.

"literally kill yourself." mara spat, before the tw girls laughed. amier leaned her back over the railing as mara leaned forward. posing as quinni took pictures of them. darren was rambling on about cash, she hated this. how she had to stand here and listen to darren talk shit about her best friend. but she couldn't stand up for him, cash had to come to terms with his sexuality on his own terms. she had been outed before and she had no desire of doing it to him. he was her best friend, and she loved him like a brother.

"maybe he just doesn't like boning as much as you do."

"oh please have you seen who he hangs out with? if those eshays aren't dealing drugs they're wheeling with their dicks."

"tell me about it." mara sighed as she looked out into the quad, noticing the group of boys standing on the opposite side on the ground floor. spider. and she turned away as he waved. she hadn't told him about chook, his reaction to the rumour of her getting it on with cash was bad enough. nevermind if she told him what happened with the group's leader.


"not everyone functions the way that you do. and beside you haven't even had a conversation about what you're both looking for. that's something sasha and i did when we first started dating."

"aw. or i could get shit faced and forget he ever existed."

"i'm down for that.'' mara added joining the conversation. any excuse for alcohol.

"hey amerie, your mums working the night shift?"

"yeah?" poor girl, she didn't know what trap she had just walked into. she was stuck in the mud.

"listen up, cum stains! lonely hearts gatho at amerie's tonight. yo alcohol, you cheap, cheap hoes."

"and no year sevens!" mara shouted as amerie tried to stop darren from talking. laughing as amerie turned to glare at her. they continued a little convo about said party as mara noticed a text.

antsy pantsy: can i ask you something?

"oi! '' and the theme is back from the dead. to celebrate amerie's social resurrection. my idea, please tell everyone you know."

mara on a cross: what's up ant?
and is it to do with spider?

antsy pantsy: no i'm asking
as a friend

mara on a cross: alright,

antsy pantsy: rumour has it,
you hooked up with one
of cash's mates.

mara on a cross: true,
but not by choice

antsy pantsy: not by choice?

ah, so rumour had it


how the fuck have we already hit 100k, wtffff

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