one, thirty four: to see

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"welcome to the inter school basketball semifinals. give it up for the hartley high ibis." ms woods spoke through the mike as she stood before the crowd of hartley high students to watch the game. she found a group of friends she had never seen show their faces at the games before. she guessed it to be with the strange situations going on with the boys on the team. as there stood in the crowd was darren, amerie, mara, and quinni.

"that's a fucking bin chicken!" sasha screamed, as the crowd roared in cheers for their team. a girl stood on the court stared at mara as she performed her routine, eyebrows wrinkled and eyes sharp. who the fuck was she? mara thought as she noticed the cold gaze before turning to darren.

"i hate this school." they mumbled in embarrassment.

"let's leave." but they didn't turn to look at her, not even side eyed her as they slurped the shake cup. so instead she turned to amerie on her other side. taking a sip of her own shake, raspberry flavoured.

"have you talked to malakai?" she asked, this time she did turn to look at her. mara's facial features were soft, genuine. and amerie nodded before turning back the watching the person in the bin chicken costume fail their arms around.

"bad?" amerie nodded again.

"it's okay hun.'' mara spoke softly once more, holding her hand out for amerie who took it. scooting closer to her to rest her head on her shoulder as ms woods spoke again.

"just before we kick off, it's time to announce the winner of a little cleaning competition that we had here at hartley high. not that it needed cleaning up or anything like that. just a little-"

"cut to the chase!!" quinni shouted cutting off the women, whose face sneered slightly at the interruption.

"okay thank you quinni. so the winner of the play station gift voucher is jenny pilcher."

"i'm getting you that voucher." mara whispered leaning forward to talk to the girl whose face had fallen. at these words her face light up once more. jenny who turned to look at quinni with a smug smile stopped as she noticed mara's very clear determine grin. quickly turning to face the front once more. and the hartley boys ran out, jumping in excitement. mara smiling as spider turned to blow a kiss to her. he was starting to act more like spencer then spider.

"jesus christ, malakai looks how i feel." darren spoke and the groups eyes fell on malakai mitchell, the number zero. it was true, his head hung low and his shoulders slumped. he looked tired. and the game started, malakai getting the first hoop. so it hadn't donated his performance, but he got the ball once more. it was a different story. he lifted it into the air ready to shoot when he came to a halt. as if he were a toy with dead batteries. spider shouting at him as the other team got the game, but malakai was already gone when mara turned to see if he were alright. and not long later, during a break, malakai made a beeline for the door. mara looking to see spider making jokes to dusty, arsehole. he was spider, afterall. and she got up. ready to go after malakai when harper got up to, but she reached for the mic.

"hey dusty." and she stopped before opening the door. now this would be interesting. the spider looked over to her, making his way over. fucking fantastic.

"i just wanted to take a minute to apologise. for, what did you call it? ah, wanting it too much? i'm really sorry that i enjoyed myself in a consensual threesome that you initiated. and i'm sorry he made me so hard i saw another dimension." oh this was good. mara snickered as spider sent her a glare. reaching to grab her hand when she snapped her hand way. and for a split second, his school mask fell. spencer looked almost sad.

"let me ask you something. did you ghost me because that's the first real orgasm you've ever seen? how insensitive of me. you're totally right. being turned of by your girlfriend enjoying sex. i mean, what was i thinking? it's not about me." and spider moved away from her, falling back into the crowd of hartley high basketball boys watching the whole speech.

"i'm just a human pizza pocket, designed specifically for you to fill with cum.'' mara did not like harper, in fact she hated the girl's guts with a burning passion. but that didn't mean she was wrong. girls protect girls, not support them. she wouldn't tell her she's beautiful if she was having a bad day, but she would stand and enjoy her speech on women's enjoyment. she watched as ms woods scrambled to get the mic off her.

"that's enough harper.'' ms woods begged holding her hand out for the mic but she wasn't finished, not yet.

"i guess what i'm really trying to say is fuck you! and in the spirit of cleaning up trash. we're over you dickless fuck." she screamed, the whole girl population bursting out into cheers for the moment. someone had finally knocked the dusty reid of his high horse. a grin splitting onto her face as ant came walking over as she disappeared outside. finding herself sat on the stairs of the back exit to the changing rooms.

"can i sit with you?" he asked softly. and she looked up at his kind smile and nodded, scooting over slightly so he could have more space.

"do you ever feel like you're in the wrong friendship group?" ant questioned as he stared out onto the field. some of the year nines were playing catch with someone's shoe. and she hummed lightly. she wasn't surprised by his comments on his friends. she didn't understand why he was friends with them anyways, and wasn't like them. he was kind, soft and caring. dusty and spencer were arseholes.

"ant, why are you friends with spider?" she inquired. his features fell slightly.

"he treats me like i exist, if it weren't for him. people wouldn't really know me. he's one of the only people who really knows me." he told her in honesty, it was true. ant and spider were always close, but they only ever really saw spider. he was confident and outgoing whilst ant stood in his shadow. people never really saw him. this was something mara could relate to, people saw her. they saw the loud, speaks her mind slut who’s been with nearly every person on the map. they saw a pretty girl and a hard cold gaze. but they didn’t see her. they didn’t see her like cash did. cash was her brother, he was there when nobody else would have been. sure they didn’t have the best friend group choice, the eshays, but they couldn’t escape. you can run, but they’d find you. they always will.

"who else does?"

"you." and she threw a look to the boy who was already looking at her. soft, brown eyes like a puppy.

"well i'm honoured to know you, ant." and he smiled, a light reflecting in the big brown eyes.

"i used to watch you, not in a creepy way. but like intrigued." he mumbled as they returned to silence once more.

"by me?" she whispered, chuckling slightly.

"yup, i used to watch you walk through the halls. head hung high as you ignored the awful comments people said about you. you were as strong as you were pretty."

"you thought i was pretty?"

"i know you are, you're probably the most beautiful girl in school." they were now staring at one another. gentle looks as she smiled. as did he.

"ant, you are the sweetest guy i have ever known. don't ever change." she giggled, pressing the softest kiss to his cheek as he flushed red.


yall can tell it's the holidays cause im so fucking bored that im just spew writing. there's nothing else to do, i still have another two weeks. i canny take it no more.

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