33 • Tell Me

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A/N: Another update. I couldn't help it.


«What?», you exclaimed, sweat forming at your temple.

«Yes, my dear», the matron looked at you with concern, «a mixture of hormones and the lack of food has caused your fainting. Tell me, have you felt tired as well?».

You panicked. Covering your face you wanted to bury yourself in a hole and never come back up. «Yes», you mumbled.

Madam Pomfrey felt worried seeing your reaction and reached out to touch your shoulder. The second you felt her touch you started crying.

«Miss Y/LN», she tried to removed your hands from your face, «who is the father? I can go find him if you'd like», she suggested.

Looking at her with tears rolling down your cheeks you smiled weakly, «I don't know who the father is, Madam». Her face fell at your honesty, and she swallowed hard, feeling awkward.

«Oh», she sat up straight, «that's okay», she lied.

«What do I do?», you wiped your cheeks, hoping she somehow could fix the whole situation.

«I'll have to tell Dumbledore», she decided and tried to smile at you reassuringly, «he'll know what we should do».

Feeling like throwing up you felt your body go cold. «Can I do it myself, please?», you asked, your voice brittle.

«Okay, just don't wait too long», she murmured, «you'll start showing soon, my dear».

Looking down at your stomach you felt bad, clutching it you sunk into the bed and cursed at your own stupidity.

«There's someone waiting to see you», the matron added, «shall I tell them you're still asleep?». You nodded and felt your body start to shake.

«Yes please, I don't want any visitors», you muttered.


You'd decided to wait. You wanted to ignore it. Just be normal for a couple of days.

I don't know who's your father, little baby.

It took a lot from you to not break down into tears whenever someone asked you how you were doing. The semester had already taken you through all of life's possible feelings. If you'd been overwhelmed before, you certainly felt overwhelmed now.

Even eating again had been difficult, but you'd managed. Jade and Blaise had been happy to see you eating, and it did at least take the attention away from you. Professor Snape had tried to find a moment with you alone but you'd always been busy, or made up an excuse.

Walking to Potions class, however, you knew both Professor Snape and Draco would be there. You didn't know how the young Malfoy managed to exceed expectations in so many subjects, advancing to your level. A part of you had started to think his father had something to do with it.

Entering the classroom you kept your head down, not wanting to get eyecontact with the professor. It pained you so much that the little bean inside of you could just as easily be a Malfoy, as it could be his. Either of the options didn't seem right. But there wasn't a drop in your body that could face the decision of having it removed. Though it would have made your life a hell of a lot easier.

Sitting down you realised Draco chose the seat next to you. But you didn't say anything.

«Today», his deep voice made you flinch, «we'll try our hand at making the most powerful love potion in the world, Amortentia», he said slowly. You felt your heart race at the mentioning of the potion. While other girls around the room giggled. Draco looked at you and registered a slight panic in you, he on the other hand felt a sense of arrogance as it meant that he could find the answer he was looking for.

Pit of Snakes (Lucius, Draco, Snape x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now