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Draco's POV

(While Y/n is listening to the locket)

I walked out of my room, Y/n's about to listen to the locket. She told me to press the emerald on the ring she got me, I went into her room and sat on the bed. I took off the ring, took a deep breath, and pressed on the emerald. It made a soft click sound, I looked up and projected on the ceiling was a letter in Y/n's neat, cursive handwriting.

"Woah," I whispered, I laid back on the bed and began to read the letter.

Dear Draco,
When you're reading this it will probably be on Christmas night, so I'll start with "Merry Christmas." This gift took quite some thought, I really hope you like it, the record too.

I'm writing this letter so that you can know how much I love you, writing my feelings is easier for me than speaking them, that's why I have so many diaries filled up in my trunk. Yeah, I write in diaries, I've never even told anyone that, it's something that an 11 year old girl would do but I never grew out of it I guess.

I got to thinking and I realized that we know each other so well but there's is so much that you don't know about me and I wonder the same thing about you. There are things that nobody knows about me, but honestly I want you to know those things. I want you to know me. Because I trust you, you, and nobody else to know these things. 

I'll start with the most basic things that nobody really knows, first off, I'm scared of snakes, yeah, even though I'm a Slytherin snakes scare the hell out of me. I miss my mum, I've always made it seem like I don't need her and I don't want to see her again but I do. I was super jealous of Pansy when we weren't friends. When Theodore Nott and I were together all I could think about was you and how wrong it felt to be with him. When I'm alone I still cry because of how much I miss Cedric. When I can't sleep I'll pretend that you're there with me. I hate like the taste of Butterbeer, I've always pretended that I like it because everyone else loves it. I'm not actually good at Potions, Snape just makes it seem like I am. In third year and most of last year my worst fear was that you guys didn't like me and that I wasn't loved, but now my biggest fear is losing you. Because I love you. Draco Lucius Malfoy, I love you, more than I've ever loved anything or anyone in my life. 

Draco, you make me feel so amazing, in multiple ways (😏) Believe me when I say I love you with my entire heart, because I do, I really do. 

That day at the end of fourth year when I left the leaving feast crying and you admitted that you loved me was such a roller coaster. I thought you meant as just friends at first but then you kept talking and I thought I was dreaming. You're amazing and you're not only my boyfriend but my best friend.

I'm gonna be honest, we're both a little messed up but that's why we're so perfect for each other, we both understand each other like no one else could, and that's one of the many reasons I love you.

I remember everything in our relationship so far, even all the little things, and love them all. Like the way you're always there when I need you. The way you care about me and that makes me feel so much happier everyday. The way you read to me when I have trouble falling asleep. The way fly on the Quidditch field. The way you hold me when I'm sad or even just need your touch. The way you run your hands through your hair when you're stressed. The way you stoke my hair when I lay on your chest. The way you do that little lip bight thing when you're focused, and even the way you sing in the shower. (Yes, I know about that, and it's adorable)

I love everything about you and I finally found a way to put this all into words, even if it is only on paper, or whatever you're projecting it on I guess, the point is, all of this is true. I've loved every minute of our relationship and I hope, no, I know, there will be so many more memories to come.

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