Ch 40: Haunted

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"I know, I know, I just know, you're not gone"

I examined the woman further. She was the definition of beautiful, shiny platinum blonde hair that sat atop her shoulders. The more I looked at her the more she became familiar. Her eyes were crystal blue, the kind of eyes that entranced whomever looked into them. They were calming and yet terrifying at the same time. 

"Your mother was my best friend" she whispered.

"Was?" I said. "Meaning past tense?"

I tilted my head as guilt took over her body, I could only vaguely feel it which was odd. I tried entering her mind but couldn't, it was as if I was being blocked.

"She died protecting me" she said. "We were seventeen, somewhat childish. We thought we could go on a mission alone instead of waiting for the team."

"The team?" I asked.

"The X-Men" she said.

I sat across from her at the table, waiting for her to continue.

"Your mother was Jean Grey" she said.

"The Jean Grey?" I asked. "The Jean Grey who famously killed Charles Xavier?"

"The Phoenix Force caused her to lose it" she said. "And most, if not all of the public thinks he died of natural causes, which leads to ask how you knew if you did not know she was your mother?"

"How did you find me?" I asked.

"I forgot, I have not formally introduced myself, my name is Emma Frost" she said.

"You're the most powerful telepath alive" I said.

"Yes, but I'm afraid my spot as the most powerful may be taken very soon" she said. "Have you ever wondered why telepathy comes so easy to you? Or telekinesis?"

"You're trying to tell me I'm a mutant?" I asked.

"Half" she corrected.

"You're lying" I said.

"Why? Because you can't read my mind like everyone else?" She asked. "You were both abducted by witches. Witches we could never find."

"The Blood Witches" I said.

"Your sister was only a day old when she was taken along with you" she said. 

I heard the door open and close, bags shuffling as Riven appeared. He was smiling as he normally did when he got home until he saw Emma sitting at the table. He instantly felt on edge as I walked towards him. I put my hand on his arm, placing a soft kiss on his cheek. 

"It's okay" I whispered. 

I tried to take the two paper bags from his arms as he shook his head, going to place them onto the counter. 

"She said she knows my real mother" I said. 

He looked at Emma then to me as I sent him a small smile. He grabbed my arm, pulling me into the hallway. 

"You believe her?" He asked. 

"What would she gain to lie?" I said. 

"Have you read her mind?" He asked. 

"I can't" I said. 

"What?" He said. 

"She's a mutant, Riv. My mother was a mutant too" I said. 

"I don't want to be negative but she still could be lying" he said. 

"I have to believe it's true" I said. "I lost my mum, Gwen, Bloom. There's the possibility I can find my father, and even if it ends up as a dead end, at least I tried."

"I'll support you no matter what, Bee" he said. 

I smiled as he leaned down to kiss me. I rubbed his arm before going back to Emma, who was waiting patiently at the table, sipping at her tea. 

"You've talked about my mother, who is my father?" I asked. 

"One of the most powerful fairies to ever walk this planet" she said. 

"The most powerful fairy had been my mum, Farah before Rosalind Hale was taken out of stasis" I said. "So, that's a lie."

"You've been lied to your whole life, Briar, I'm the one who's going to be honest with you for once" she said. 

"And what purpose do you have to tell me any of this?" I asked. 

"Because you can get Bloom back" she said. 

My attention was caught as I stood up straight. 

"How do you know about that?" I asked. 

"Being the most powerful telepath has its perks but also its nightmares" she said. "Do you want to hear what I've heard the past few weeks?"

Without letting me speak she stood up, putting her hands to my head as pain shot through my entire body. 


"Briar, help me!"


My eyes begin to water, recognizing the voice as Bloom's. She stepped back as I regained my composure. 

"I swore to Jean to protect you two and I failed. This is me making amends with her, even in death" she said. "Bloom is not dead Briar, trust me I would know. I've been hearing her for weeks calling out to you."

"How do I get her?" I asked. 

"First we must train for what lies ahead" she said. 

"I am trained" I said. 

"I can feel your powers hiding beneath your magic" she said. "You just need to unlock them."

"I'll do whatever it takes to get her back" I said. 

She smiled as her eyes began sparkling, it seemed like they were sparkling but in reality tears were giving that effect. I didn't know her, I didn't want to trust her but I did. If I could Bloom back I would do anything and everything possible. I didn't care if it would kill me. 

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