Tactical Thoughts

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I looked over the suits carefully: they were well-made, flashy and fit well. That was all I needed for them to do, so it obtained my approval.

"Lucille's dresses?" I inquired. I left the closet with Elijah in tow, and my eyes concentrated on my phone. Even so, I could orient myself around the stairs and the staff on the walk back to my office.

"She hasn't chosen yet, but they are finished."

"It was done quicker than I thought it would be," I mumbled. There's a shareholder meeting with the company my father started. Not only that, but I've received notice that the project I've been working on has completed its beta stages. All that was left was testing, which I should be able to accomplish with the juicers in the basement and some of my people.

"The vampires can work day and night if they're well maintained. Also, we've received many acceptances to the invitations sent out." Elijah was ticking off items on his clipboard. He looked dishevelled but would stop and fix his hair in the hallway mirror. We came upon a vacant hallway, away from the servants that dusted and vacuumed the strip of carpet adorning the halls. 

It was then, and conveniently so, that I was struck with a sense of breathlessness, a tight sensation in my chest. It felt like someone's hand was wrapped around my heart and lungs, wringing them with a passion-like hatred.

I stopped walking and leaned against the stairwell railings, grasping the cool metal as the pain radiated throughout my body. I tucked my phone in my back pocket and beckoned Elijah to back away.

"Chaos? You good?" Elijah asked cautiously.
How often do I have to tell him to speak formally with me? I shot him a glare, and he backed away even further, holding his hands up in surrender.

The pain subsided eventually, but the ache remained, making it hard for me to breathe without hurting. 

"Who accepted?" I grumbled. Lately, I've felt a numbness in my head, like confusion but more disorienting. I remember lilies- no, orchids and Vic-

"Everyone accepted, even a royal-"
"What?" I can't let my thoughts wander now. I'll figure it out later; I had too many things to figure out for others first.

"Prince Amaro, the third-born son of the Emperor U-Rio." Elijah flipped through the clipboard to confirm and nodded affirmatively.
I thought they were cowards, but they're testing me in return. But the third prince? I haven't heard of him. If that's the case, they don't value his life. The royal family essentially tossed him into a pool of snakes by allowing him to accept this invitation. 

"The doctor?" I forced. I let go of the railing, rolled my shoulders, and resumed my walk less vigilantly. A spasm emerged in my shoulder blades, an unusual spot for me. I could endure this much pain as long as it keeps subsiding, and I am able to suppress it under important occasions.

"He's waiting with the other applicants in a separate lounge for their interviews." Elijah caught up to me and followed a foot behind me.

"Where is Lucille?"
"I believe she's still sleeping in her room. Artemis claims she's made great strides in her recovery, particularly gaining strength in her arm muscles and core."

"Remind her when she wakes up that I will need her later tonight for the surgery. I'll have one of these doctors perform it." I reached the door to my office. Beside it, Azrail's office doors were wide open.

My father was leaning back in his chair, taking a nap with papers flanking his space and his feet propped up on the edge of his desk. I went in and shut the doors to his office. The doctors will be guided through this hallway for their interview and might be too uneasy if they see a panther slumbering next door. 

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